Hammermill Unveils a New Look for Jet Print Ultra Gloss
Press release from the issuing company
New Packaging Still Holds Same High Quality Product
[Memphis, TN – February 14, 2002] The packaging for Hammermill Jet Print Ultra Gloss Paper will soon feature new graphics to reflect the current brand image. The product, a photo-quality gloss sheet designed for high-resolution ink jet printing, will not change. Jet Print Ultra Gloss will continue to feature the same 90-brightness and high gloss surface for excellent ink jet reproduction.
Jet Print Ultra Gloss is ideal for photographic reproductions, sell sheets, or full color brochures. Available in a variety of popular sizes, Jet Print Ultra Gloss can easily handle heavy ink coverage with its extra sturdy 38 lb. basis weight.
Samples of Jet Print Ultra Gloss are available by calling International Paper Fulfillment Plus at 1-800-892-5467.
Other products in the International Paper Commercial Printing and Imaging Papers portfolio include Accent Opaque, Springhill Opaque Offset Colors and Springhill Uncoated Bristols, Carolina Coated Cover, Williamsburg Offset and Return Postcard, Great White, Strathmore, Beckett, BriteHue and Via.
International Paper [www.internationalpaper.com] is the world’s largest paper and forest products company. Businesses include paper, packaging, and forest products. As one of the largest private forest landowners in the world, the company manages its forests under the principles of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFISM) program, a system that ensures the perpetual planting, growing and harvesting of trees while protecting wildlife, plants, soil, air and water quality. Headquartered in the United States, at Stamford, CT, International Paper has operations in nearly 50 countries and exports its products to more than 130 nations.