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Creo Users Association Launches New Web Site, New Services, New Name

Press release from the issuing company

VANCOUVER, B.C., CANADA - (February 1, 2002) - The Creo Users Association (CUA) has launched a vibrant new website at www.creousers.org. The new website marks several changes to the CUA, including the group's name. The Creo Users Association matches the vendor's recent name change from CreoScitex and Creo Products Inc. to Creo. The association is an independent network of users of Creo systems worldwide. All products manufactured by Creo will be represented in the association that promotes effective communication between users and with Creo developers and the company leadership. The CUA structure has been expanded to promote a broader membership geographically and through the representation of more Creo products. Now every user of Creo systems may join the association free of charge to participate in online user forums specific to individual products such as Brisque(tm), Prinergy, PS/M and Timnaworkflows. New list servers will feature discussion on EverSmartscanners, Iris proofers and ThermoFlexplatesetters. "As a member you have access to many people who may have faced some of the same challenges you do," explains Steve Johnson, president of the Creo Users Association. "Members of our association have a very good connection with the company. We have direct input into the development of products we work with everyday." Steve is the manager of advancing technology for Commercial Lithographing Company, a Kansas City packaging printer. The new website of the Creo Users Association provides a wealth of product and industry information. Members may register to receive new product information delivered to their desktop, as well as access forums and mailing lists. They can also download guides for product installation and troubleshooting, technical bulletins, and the latest software patches, utilities, plug-ins, and drivers through Creo Online. Members may also provide input to the content of future CUA events, including the annual users conference, which will be held May 1-4, 2002 in Vancouver. This meeting provides members with the opportunity to provide feedback to Creo product development teams, see new product demonstrations, and visit the Creo headquarters. New members may join the Creo Users Association by registering online at www.creousers.org. (Members of the CreoScitex Users Association will be automatically enrolled in the CUA.)