Pittsburgh, Pa., January 18, 2002 — Through their consolidated publishing entity, GATFPress, the Graphic Arts Technical Foundation (GATF) and Printing Industries of America (PIA) published a record 54 titles in 2001—nearly quadrupling production for GATFPress since the consolidation. Combined, GATF and PIA offer an unparallel collection of printing titles that cover all aspects of the printing process and facility management including productivity benchmarks, job descriptions and company structures, print buying, electronic communications, sheetfed and web offset press operations, flexography, gravure, paper and ink, and much more.
"The growth of our book publishing arm was important because textbooks are one of the most affordable means for smaller printers to assess technical information and assistance," said George Ryan, president of GATF. "Thanks to the suppliers who donated the paper, ink, and equipment necessary to produce these books, we are able to keep the cost of our textbooks reasonably priced for members and students."
GATF has been publishing books since 1925 with the goal to keep its members abreast of the industry’s constantly evolving technologies and procedures. In recent years, under the leadership and professional publishing expertise of Peter M. Oresick, GATF reorganized its publications department. In August 1997 the Foundation announced GATFPress as the new name and identity for its publishing endeavors and launched a more aggressive book program to significantly increase the number of new titles published annually.
"GATFPress has given our publishing program visibility not only in the graphic communications community, but also in the broader book market," says Mr. Oresick, GATF’s vice president and director of technical information and education programs. "Traditionally GATF books have been used in college graphic communications programs and in many corporate training departments. The new identity of GATFPress, however, has provided entry into new sales channels such as libraries, bookstores, and international markets."
Under the new moniker, GATF produced a record 15 books in 1998, a fivefold increase over the Foundation’s historical average of three new titles per year. Now after consolidating with PIA in 1999, the two organizations have nearly quadrupled their offerings in three years.
Through GATFPress, the consolidated GATF/PIA organization is the only trade association in the graphic arts industry that maintains full-service publishing capabilities. The Foundation works with some of the most notable industry authors and experts in the field.
All GATF and PIA textbooks, reference books, training modules, CD-ROMs, videocassettes, and more can be seen in the GAIN Bookstore along with catalog information.
Download a PDF version of the PIA/GATF 2001 Fall/Winter Publications Catalog from GAIN. To obtain a free hardcopy of the catalog, phone 800/662-3916 (U.S. and Canada) or 412/741-5733 (all other countries); fax 412/741-0609; or e-mail. Mail requests to GATF Orders, P.O. Box 1020, Sewickley, PA 15143-1020. Indicate GATF Catalog No. 200.