CValley Announces FILTERiT4.1: Compatible with Illustrator 10 and Mac OS X
Press release from the issuing company
IRVINE, California, Dec. 10, 2001-CValley, Inc. announced a new version to FILTERiT4 to support Adobe Illustrator 10. The upgrade contains several features including support for the Color Picker on Live Trail, Trail Tool and MetaBrush Tool on Illustrator 9 and 10 which gives you better control for choosing color. FILTERiT4.1 is compatible with Illusrator 10 on Mac OS 9.1 or later or OS X and Windows XP. The new version performs significantly faster in Illustrator 10 compared with 8 or 9. The company is pleased to offer 4.1 for free to all Illustrator 10 users.
FILTERiT is a plug-in suite for Adobe Illustrator which features various exciting and unique effects. Whether you are in print, multimedia, web designing or even video, FILTERiT can stimulate your creative imagination. This versatile tool lets you create simple to complex images in a matter of seconds, which would otherwise take a long time with Illustrator alone. Some effects are simply impossible to make without FILTERiT. Your artistic talent combined with Illustrator and FILTERiT can create images you never thought possible! With its easy-to-use features, creating astounding images ranging from simple to complex is at your fingertips.
FILTERiT4 provides a wide variety of options, from simple distortion to 3D Transform. With 3D Transform filters, your objects can be transformed into spheres, spirals, donuts, or cylinders with just a click of the mouse. Preparing images for Web animation is made simple with the Trace option. This option also lets you produce motion blur effects by using Illustrator 9.0's transparency capability.
Another major addition is Fractalize. This feature allows you to create the segments of the object appear rough and zigzag. This feature was evolved to improve the Illustrator9's "zigzag" and "rough" live effects combined together and to an even more powerful effect. Using the Illustrator's Appearance and Style functions together with this effect will add more creativity to your artwork.