Dutch Periodicals Add Enfocus Certified PDF to Standards
Press release from the issuing company
Ghent, December 5th 2001 - DAL TC, the Dutch technical commission governing digital supply of data files, has decided to allow the Enfocus Certified PDF data file as a standard for digitally exchanging advertisements. Those present at the DAL TC: KVGO/OPPO, the section of the KVGO (Royal Union of Graphic Companies) representing the interests of pre-press and pre-publishing companies, the 'Nederlands Uitgevers Verbon' NUV (Dutch Publishers' Union),, the 'Groep Publiekstijdschriften' (Popular Magazines group), and the 'Vereiniging van Erkende Reclameadviesbureaus', VEA (Union of Accredited Advertisement Bureaux).
Some thousands of advertisements of all kinds are published annually in Dutch popular magazines. The evolution towards a totally digital process of producing magazines has created the need for digitally delivering advertising material. As the Portable Document Format is being evermore used within the graphic production process, and is considered to be the future standard alongside high-end formats such as TIFF IT-PI and CT/PW, the commission took the decision to grant Enfocus Certified PDF as the standard format status. Data integrity of Certified PDF data files is completely underwritten by all parties concerned. This standardisation means that it is possible to exchange PDF files between newspaper publishers, graphic companies and other players in the world of advertising in a completely reliable and manageable way. In principle, this makes hard copies no longer needed, provided that the required colour profiles are supplied at the same time.
Arjen Molendijk, secretary of the OPPO and president of the DAL TC commission, says that the commission has been impressed by the recent Belgian developments in this field, and in close consultation with each other, the commission has arrived at defining circumstances where Certified PDF files may be exchanged. "We at the OPPO can see that the PDF standard is quickly becoming evermore important. At the same time, NUV and VEA members have been witnessing the same trend. During our discussions, we have been observing the Belgian authorities, who took this same decision a few months ago. We have been looking directly at ways in which we ourselves could move towards a common standard. The result has been a resounding success. A corresponding procedure has been set out with respect to the generation of PDF data files, whilst the conditions of monitoring and safeguarding files, (as well as any corrective action in terms of debugging infected files) have been agreed upon. In the past, PDF alone was not accepted as a standard, as it could not provide enough safeguards. Thanks to Enfocus Certified technology, PDF now fulfils the stipulated requirements in terms of quality."
The PDF data file format is becoming increasingly considered as the standard format within the pre-press world. For exchanging graphic data files, it is an extremely convenient format. It is a cross platform, yet at the same time, converting an editing programme into a PDF file is really simple. Furthermore, the format is extremely compact. The specific settings for generating PDF files within the domain of popular magazine publication are determined by the DAL TC.
Enfocus Certified PDF technology ensures that the quality of PDF files being exchanged is constantly monitored. This is done with the help of preflight profiles. When a PDF file is received, these profiles can immediately (and fully automatically) help verify whether it fulfils the necessary requirements in terms of quality. In the event that the file should not fulfil these requirements, the user is immediately alerted, so that he/she can solve the problem straight away in consultation with the client. Enfocus software also allows its user to correct mistakes immediately, without having to refer back to the original application file. In addition to this, Certified PDF registers all amendments made to the PDF file, when these amendments were made, and by whom.
In its annual recommendations to its members for 2002, the Dutch Publishers' Union (NUV), the Publiekstijdschriften Group [Popular Magazines Group] will allow a third standard alongside the existing TIFF IT-PI and CT/LW. This third standard takes the form of data files that are monitored and safeguarded with the aid of Pit-Stop Server and Certify PDF.