(September 24, 2008) At the recent drupa 2012 committee meeting, Dipl.-Ing. Martin Weickenmeier, Member of the Executive Board of Körber AG and CEO of Körber PaperLink GmbH, was unanimously elected the new President of drupa. Dipl.-Ing. Albrecht Bolza-Schünemann, President of drupa in 2000, 2004 and 2008 decided not to run for re-election. Martin Weickenmeier symbolizes the continuity and consistent development of drupa as the leading global trade fair for its sector: since drupa 2004, he has been Vice-President and Chairman of the Admissions Committee. "I am delighted to step into the role of President at such an exciting time. Our sector is developing at a rapid pace and drupa 2012 will once again be a key milestone", commented Martin Weickenmeier.
The Committee also unanimously elected Dr. Jürgen Vutz, CEO of Windmöller & Hölscher KG, drupa 2012 Vice President and consequently Chairman of the Admissions Committee. Rolf Schwarz, President of the German Printing and Media Industries Federation (BVDM), was confirmed in his capacity as Second Vice President. The 23-member drupa committee is responsible for the key policy decisions concerning drupa. It consists of representatives from the exhibiting industry and represents the entire technology spectrum at drupa – from pre-media, printing and processing to packaging production and paper processing. The user-side is also represented in the committee by the most diverse media service providers as well as the five most important industry associations in Germany:
- Printing and Paper Technology Association within the German Engineering Federation (VDMA);
- German Printing and Media Industries Federation;
- Paper-Processing Trade Associations;
- German Pulp and Paper Association;
- German Printing Ink Industry Association within the Association of the Mineral Pigments Industry.
In addition to the personnel changes, the Committee also set key dates for drupa 2012. Preparation for the 15th drupa (May 3 – 16, 2012) will begin this November in connection with the All in Print trade fair in Shanghai. In spring 2010, exhibitor applications will be send out and the deadline for exhibitor registrations will be October 31, 2010.
For further information on drupa 2012, contact Messe Düsseldorf North America, 150 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 2920, Chicago, IL 60601. Telephone: (312) 781-5180; Fax: (312) 781-5188; E-mail:
[email protected]. Or visit the web site http://www.mdna.com
Overview of drupa Presidents:
drupa 1951 – drupa 1972: Hubert H.A. Sternberg
(Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG)
drupa 1972 – drupa 1990: Dr. Dr.-Ing.E.h.Dr.phil.h.c. Kurt Werner
(Druckmaschinenfabrik Goebel)
drupa 1995: Dr.-Ing. Hans-Bernhard Bolza-Schünemann
(Koenig & Bauer AG)
drupa 2000 - drupa 2008: Dipl.-Ing. Albrecht Bolza-Schünemann
(Koenig & Bauer AG)
drupa 2012: Dipl.-Ing. Martin Weickenmeier
(Körber AG)