NEW YORK, November 1, 2001 – What is being hailed as the most powerful high-end CCD scanner in the world has been launched by Danish manufacturer Imacon, following the development of the Flextight 848. The new scanner builds on the award winning design of the previous Flextight models and adds a level of productivity and resolution that places the new Flextight 848 at the top of any high-end CCD scanner available today.
"Because we’ve based the Flextight 848 on the very successful Flextight virtual drum design, the new scanner has a similar appearance to existing models," says managing director Christian Poulsen. "However, people should have no illusions that the Flextight 848 is a totally new concept in CCD scanner technology.
"For instance, with the ability to scan 50 Mb of data per minute, the Flextight 848 is five times faster than even the recently launched Flextight Precision III. This is a tremendous leap forward in productivity. It means that a user could easily scan 40 transparencies an hour at a resolution of 100 MB each."