IFRA, Geneva, Switzerland – 15 October 2001 –. Agfa introduced Sublima, a hybrid screening technology for newspaper printing. Agfa’s patented technology combines stochastic screening (frequency modulation) techniques with Agfa’s Balanced Screening to deliver a continuous-tone quality, never before available specifically for high-speed newspaper printing.
Agfa factored three things into the development of Sublima —the characteristics of newsprint stock, the standard 85 to 100 line-screen ruling, and the high-speed of newspaper presses. Using the experience gained with its CristalRaster stochastic screening technology, used primarily by commercial printers, and its industry-standard ABS (Agfa Balanced Screening), Agfa formulated photo-quality screening that works within the specific conditions of the newspaper environment.
Agfa Sublima delivers a 1 to 99% dot reproduction. It reproduces black and white and colour images, line drawings and logos with finer detail in highlight, shadow and midtone areas. It delivers a level of print quality on conventional newspaper stock that mimics commercial printing.
"With Agfa Sublima there is no visible dot on the paper, giving readers a magazine-quality experience," says Johan Berlaen, worldwide director of Agfa Digital Solutions. "This is also a major advantage for advertisers who might have been reluctant to use detailed photographs in their newspaper advertisements. This also represents new opportunities and new revenue for newspapers." According to Peter Ihre from Swedish newspaper TTAB, "After seeing the first results with Sublima, our advertisers insist that we use the ‘new' screening."
Agfa Sublima runs on the Agfa Apogee RIP with the Agfa Polaris computer-to-plate system using N91 digital-imaging plates.