VIGC: Finalist in Information Management Awards 2001
Press release from the issuing company, the specialized search engine and personal assistant that the Flemish Innovation Centre for Graphic Communication (VIGC) launched a few months ago; has been selected by the judges of the British Information Management Awards as a finalist in the categories ‘Knowledge Management’ and ‘Content Management’.
"Of course this is good news for us, because it is a confirmation of our approach. is indeed a nice implementation of knowledge management and content management." says Eddy Hagen, manager is a specialized search engine, specifically targeted to the graphic arts industry, packaging printers, publishers and related industries. Not only is its
targeted approach unique, is also built with state of the art technology, specifically MediaMine and Autonomy, the software behind MediaMine is built around a pure XML-database and is platform independent thanks to Java and its browser-based interfaces. And Autonomy has already received the Information Management Awards several times for its software.
On a daily basis has an average of about 150 visitors.15% to 20% of them return within the same month. Monthly the service attracts nearly 5 000 visitors, from all over the world. Northern America (54.7%) and Western Europe (32.4%) account for the largest number of visitors.