FUJIFILM Integrates Enfocus Certified PDF in Celebrant Extreme Workflow
Press release from the issuing company
Gent, BELGIUM & San Mateo, CA September 6, 2001 (PRINT 01& Seybold SF) FUJIFILM Electronic Imaging Ltd. (FFEI) and Enfocus Software today announce an agreement in which Enfocus Certified PDF_ technology will be integrated into the Celebrant Extreme Workflow solution. By embracing the Certified PDF workflow, Celebrant Extreme users will efficiently and automatically track changes and preflight
status of PDF documents with the highest degree of predictability and reliability.
Also as part of the agreement, new Enfocus Instant PDF will be bundled with the Celebrant Extreme system. Instant PDF is an entry-level PDF solution that includes the means to start a Certified PDF workflow.
Building on an Existing Relationship
This latest agreement builds upon the FFEI and Enfocus relationship. Celebrant Extreme Workflow System users already utilize PitStop technologies to work with greatest efficiency within their PDF workflows, permitting interactive or automatic preflight, repair and editing to single or batch jobs.
Celebrant Extreme is a complete PDF workflow system that automates the production processes of creating and imposing print-optimized PDF for output to proof, film and plate. Celebrant Extreme offers a guaranteed solution that supports both PDF and Adobe PostScript 3 workflows.