PIANKO: Process Control in Print Production Seminar - to Make Way Through Ohio
Press release from the issuing company
The PIA of Ohio and Kentucky (PIANKO) has announced they will sponsor several educational events throughout Ohio on “color.” The event - Process Control in Print Production, will be conducted by GATF color control expert Dan Remaley.
The dates of the event are:
Toledo on Sept 24
Cleveland Sept 25
Columbus Sept 26
Cincinnati Sept 27
For more information, contact Tom Lasik at 888.576.1971 or via fax at 614.794.2300.
The Printing Industries Association, Inc., serving Northern Kentucky and Ohio provides programs, offer services, and promotes an environment which assists members to be community responsive and foresee and adapt to the future while continuing to improve and profit in the present. Visit their web site at www.PIANKO.org.