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Weider Publications Awards Quad/graphics 5-Year, $100 Million Print Contract

Press release from the issuing company

PEWAUKEE, Wis. Aug. 28, 2001--Quad/Graphics and Weider Publications, Inc., have entered into a five-year print contract valued at more than $100 million. The contract calls for the production of all seven of Weider's magazine titles and fortifies the publisher's 10-year relationship with Quad/Graphics. "We awarded all our titles to Quad/Graphics based on service quality and our long-standing, good relationship,'' said John Hartung, Vice President of Manufacturing for Weider Publications, Inc. Under the terms of this contract, Quad/Graphics will print and distribute the following publications, as well as provide imaging services (except for Natural Health). - Flex, the bible of hardcore bodybuilders, which prints 325,000 copies monthly. - Fit Pregnancy, a popular title featuring information on pre- and post-natal healthcare, nutrition, fashion and more, which is produced six times per year. Print runs total 720,000 per issue. - Men's Fitness, produced monthly, focuses on all aspects of living a healthy lifestyle. Print runs total 750,000 per issue. - Muscle & Fitness, the company's flagship title, is produced monthly. Print runs total 870,000 per issue. - Muscle & Fitness Hers, the newest Weider title, which is published bimonthly. Print runs total 450,000 per issue. - Natural Health, known as "The Guide to True Wellness,'' which is produced nine times per year. Print run totals 450,000 per issue. While the title has been around for 30 years, Weider Publications has only owned the title for three years. Quad/Graphics began printing the magazine in March 2001. - SHAPE, which is for women with an active lifestyle, boasts a print run of 2.2 million copies monthly. Quad/Graphics and Weider began their relationship in 1991 with the production of the publisher's four biggest titles: Flex, Men's Fitness, Muscle & Fitness and SHAPE. Over the past decade, as the publisher grew and launched or acquired new titles, Quad/Graphics took on the new work as well as introduced the publisher to new technological advances. In 1997, for example, Quad/Graphics helped Weider adopt a digital imaging workflow, eliminating the painstaking (and sometimes unreliable) procedure of shipping film scans. More recently, the printer has begun transitioning Weider titles to wide-web press technology, which produces more pages per press run and compresses the manufacturing schedule.