Pittsburgh, Pa., August 10, 2001 — GATFPress’s latest in a series of introductory-level books helps readers purchase the most expensive and crucial material for a print job—paper. For print buyers, publishers, graphic artists, salespeople in the graphic communications industry, or anyone who would like to know more about the process, Paper Buying Primer helps readers understand the procedures and terminology used by paper suppliers and distributors.
Buying paper can be as easy as visiting a local office supply store or calling a paper merchant. But with the immense number of grades available alone, the challenge comes in knowing what and how much is needed. From color, weight, and texture to design, printing process, and end use, a number of details must be considered to successfully meet end-use requirements, production requirements, customer expectations, and economic price breaks.
In 11 chapters, this easy-to-follow primer will help readers make wise and informed paper purchasing decisions. It begins by reviewing what details are needed when placing an order and defining paper types. Ordering paper in both sheets and rolls is covered as well as explaining how paper is priced. The primer closes with an overview of how to store and handle this delicate material, what to do if there are problems involving paper, and, last, advice on how to select envelopes.
"The buyer who purchases the right product for the job at the best price is one who is knowledgeable about the product lines. This knowledge comes from experience and from resources such as paper merchants, office supply houses, paper mills, and trade organizations," writes author Lawrence A. Wilson. "However most buyers don’t take full advantage of the available resources. This primer is designed to facilitate communication between buyers and sellers of paper to create a win/win transaction."
Wilson, the president of Wilson’s Consulting Service, was a printing plant superintendent for six years and worked for S.D. Warren Company, a major paper manufacturer, for thirty years.
The Paper Buying Primer (ISBN 0-88362-311-0), a 112-page, two-color, softcover book, contains over 45 illustrations, photographs, and tables. It is available for $25 ($20 for GATF and PIA members), not including shipping. Orders may be placed by contacting GATF by phone 800/662-3916 (U.S. and Canada) or 412/741-5733 (all other countries); fax 412/741-0609; or online from the GAIN Bookstore. Mail orders to GATF Orders, P.O. Box 1020, Sewickley, PA 15143-1020. Indicate GATF Order No. 1711.
This book is only one in the GATFPress series of primers aimed at communicating the essential concepts of printing processes and technologies. Other primers focus on lithography, gravure, flexography, screen, computer-to-plate, on-demand and digital printing, print estimating, typography, print production management, and print production scheduling. To inquire about discount rates for bulk orders for training groups, contact Peter Oresick, vice president and director of publishing at GATF, by phoning 412/741-6860 extension 411, faxing 412/741-2311, or emailing
[email protected].
by Lawrence A. Wilson
1. Preparing to Write an Order...5
2. Paper Types...21
3. Ordering Paper in Sheets...37
4. Ordering Paper in Rolls...43
5. How Paper Is Priced...49
6. How to Place a Making Order...51
7. Paper Spoilage Allowance...53
8. Sampling Programs...55
9. Paper Conditioning...61
10. Handling Paper Complaints...69
11. Selecting Envelopes...81
12. Glossary...85
13. Index...93
14. About the Author...97
15. About GATF...99
16. About PIA...101
17. GATFPress: Selected Titles...103
18. Colophon...104