The 2001 Roland Zavada Standards Award, "The Rollie," presented by the Committee for Graphic Arts Technologies Standards (CGATS), will be awarded to Walter F. Zawacki, Senior Scientist, Color Science at the Flint Ink Research Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The award will be presented October 18, 2001 at a National Printing Ink Research Institute (NPIRI) Technical Conference dinner in Scottsdale, Arizona.
The Rollie Award recognizes the significant contribution of an individual toward the development of U.S. graphic arts standards through active participation in accredited standards activities. The award is named after Roland Zavada in recognition of his longstanding commitment and effort on behalf of graphic arts standards development. This is the eighth time that the Rollie has been awarded since its inception in 1994.
Zawacki began his career in color working on computer formulation at Continental Can Company in 1970. Since then, he has been active in the development of computer color formulation programs, in research and customer service in the areas of color reproduction, and in color measurement and color standards. He developed
an instrumental method of color strength and shade measurement. He holds an
MBA from Northwestern University and a BS in Printing from the Rochester Institute of Technology.
Zawacki has co-authored 12 technical papers for the Technical Association of the Graphic Arts (TAGA) and is a member of the TAGA Board of Directors and is Vice
President of Membership/Publicity. He is a member of the NPIRI Color Measurement Task Force, Chairman of CGATS SC4 (Process Control) and Assistant Convener of the International Organization for Standardization's Technical Committee 130, Working Group 4, for Media and Materials (ISO/TC 130 WG4). He has received the President's Service Award, Printing Ink Pioneer Award and Technical Achievement Award from National Association of Printing Ink Manufacturers (NAPIM), and the 1999 Honor Award from TAGA.
Zawacki has assumed a leadership role in developing international standards for printing inks, as well as international and U.S. standards for process control for various printing process, including offset, screen, gravure, flexo and others. The U.S. work has included the development of a characterization data set for publication printing commonly referred to as SWOP, as well as current work to develop characterization data sets for coldset printing on newsprint, several types of gravure printing, and several types of commercial printing.
Rollie Award nominees must meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Active participation on an accredited standard committee(s) for more than three years, leading to the approval of graphic arts and/or printing and publishing related standards.
- Promotion or visible support of the need for standards development.
- Leadership in the development of standards for the graphic arts and/or printing and publishing.
- Significant technical and/or administrative support to an accredited standards committee.
Nomination forms and other information can be obtained by contacting the CGATS Secretariat, 1899 Preston White Drive, Reston, Virginia 20191-4367, telephone 703/264-7200, fax 703/620-0994, e-mail
[email protected]. Information about CGATS and other standards development activities may also be found on the World Wide Web at NPES serves as Secretariat to