6/22/01 (WhatTheyThink.com) - Below is an announcement from the management team at Collabria.
Since Monday, June 18th, Collabria has been talking with numerous parties who are interested in acquiring our intellectual property.
As a result of these conversations, Collabria is pleased to announce today that Printable Technologies, Inc. has purchased hardware and software from Collabria that will enable Printable Technologies to immediately begin providing the same services to Collabria's PrintCommerce customers as Collabria is currently providing. Collabria is encouraging all of its current users to contact Printable regarding how service will be implemented.
Discussions regarding the acquisition of Collabria's latest version of the software (Version 4.0), which was designed using Java(tm) 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) Architecture, continue with interested parties. Any parties interested in learning more about the capabilities or acquisition of this software should contact Don Armagnac at 650-522-3314