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Oxygen Content Fusion 7.1 Released

Press release from the issuing company

Syncro Soft, the developer of the Oxygen XML suite of products, is proud to announce the release of Oxygen Content Fusion 7.1, the web-based collaboration platform for content creation!

Version 7.1 builds on the "projects" concept introduced in the previous version by enhancing its functionality and offering even more capabilities. A project enables users to make changes across multiple files and once they are happy with the results, these can be committed directly to the repository to be shared with the rest of the team.

This release provides various new ways to manage files and folders in the project personal workspace, including easy methods for renaming or moving resources. The references for renamed or moved files are updated automatically to ensure that the links and references remain valid. Now, users have simple ways to upload resources from their local computer to their workspace. Other file management improvements include the ability to discard all changes to return the personal workspace to a clean state and the new multiple editor tabs support makes project exploration more efficient.

The personal workspace also received two powerful features, one for searching within the project and another for validating the entire DITA project, useful especially before committing to make sure the changes do not introduce any problems. Also, defining new publications and updating existing ones is now possible directly from the personal workspace. All changes that are the result of creating and editing publications can now be submitted in a single commit.

The file comparison tool was enhanced with the possibility of comparing XML files in text mode and the diff and merge support now also works for Markdown and other text files.

It is now possible to create a review task from the changes the users make in their personal workspace to make it easy to send the changes for review before integrating them into the project.

Other improvements were implemented to streamline and boost the authoring experience. Now, users have the ability to highlight document content using one of the predefined color markers to flag content that needs special attention, for example during a review process. A toolbar action was added to display and edit a DITA map with all of the topic content expanded as one document. It is now possible to insert links and add references to existing topics within a DITA map using drag and drop functionality. A simple text editor is also provided for making changes to non-XML files in the personal workspace.

For more information about the new release, please see: https://www.oxygenxml.com/content_fusion/whats_new.html 

You may also try these new features on our public demo deployment: https://fusion.oxygenxml.com/projects 


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