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Tell Us What You Think in WhatTheyThink’s Annual Printing Business Outlook Survey!

Press release from the issuing company

Survey results will drive our Printing Outlook 2025 special report

Original industry research is hard to come by, and the limitations of government data make it a flawed tool for industry forecasting. And yet good data is essential for business planning and forecasting, but also for sales and marketing resource allocation for all businesses in the supply chain. So we are again asking for your help in helping us gather important industry information.

So WhatTheyThink is conducting its annual survey of printing executives about how their business fared in 2024 and what their outlook and plans for 2025 and beyond are. How did you do this year? What is your outlook for next year?  

This short survey will only take 8–10 minutes to complete, and will ask about this year’s business conditions and your expectations for next year, both your biggest business challenges and your biggest opportunities, and your planned investments for 2024. Additional questions will look at what additional products and services you are looking to add, your hiring and employment plans, and your adoption (or not) of digital embellishment technologies.

To take the survey, click here. Tell your friends! Tell your colleagues! Heck, tell your blood enemies!

To thank you for your assistance we will send you the executive summary of this project and you will be entered to win one of three premium memberships to WhatTheyThink. Please enter your email address in the last question of the survey to receive the thank you items.

The Printing Outlook 2025 report should be available in January. 


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