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Education First: Klöckner Pentaplast Expands Innovative TikTok Campaign to Europe

Press release from the issuing company

Klöckner Pentaplast (kp), a global leader in sustainability-focused food packaging solutions, is broadening its award-winning TikTok campaign for its range of single use, fully recyclable food-to-go packaging - kp Infinity® - to new European markets.

The strategic move aims to educate distributors and foodservice vendors in France and the Netherlands about sustainable packaging alternatives in the wake of evolving regulations on single-use plastics across Europe.

Following the success of its UK TikTok channel, which has seen exceptional engagement levels and even contributed to winning a prestigious Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) Marketing Award, kp is now extending its reach through targeted advertising campaigns in France and the Netherlands. This expansion is designed to increase awareness of kp Infinity®, a multi award-winning expanded polypropylene (EPP) based single use food packaging solution that offers a fully recyclable alternative to non-recyclable polystyrene single use plastic food packaging (SUP).

The UK ban on polystyrene single use food containers, effective from 1 October 2023, has created a pressing need for alternative packaging solutions. The EU directive on single use plastic packaging has already been incorporated into many Member States’ national law including France and the Netherlands, as part of broader EU initiatives to reduce plastic pollution. However, kp has identified an ongoing gap in market knowledge, with some distributors and businesses unknowingly continuing to use or supply non-compliant packaging.

Vincent Gass, VP Strategic Marketing & Innovation at kp, commented: "While polystyrene SUP packaging is being phased out around the globe, there's still significant work to be done in educating the foodservice industry about sustainable packaging options and regulatory compliance across Europe. By engaging directly with food vendors on TikTok, we're reaching out to our audience on one of their preferred channels and delivering crucial information in an accessible, engaging format. This approach allows us to cut through the noise and highlight the important distinctions between banned or restricted materials and compliant alternatives like kp Infinity®."

The campaign targets an ambitious reach of 500,000 food vendors per month, underlining kp's commitment to driving industry-wide awareness and adoption of sustainable packaging solutions. By leveraging its TikTok popularity, kp aims to prevent misinformation and ensure that businesses across the European supply chain are well-informed about their packaging choices.

"Education is key to preventing businesses and consumers from being misled about packaging compliance," Vincent Gass added. "Our TikTok campaign is just one part of our broader strategy to lead the transition away from non-recyclable materials in the food packaging sector and ensure that all stakeholders are equipped with accurate, up-to-date information."

Click here for more information about kp Infinity®


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