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PaperSpecs LIVE Makes ‘Exhibit-Only’ Tickets Available for Largest Paper and Print Show

Press release from the issuing company

PaperSpecs Live Chicago In-Person Event
Exhibit-Only Ticket: $50
Full Day Ticket: $229
Where: Venue SIX10, Chicago
When: Sept. 26, 2024
Where to Register: www.PaperSpecsLive.com 

Palo Alto, Calif. – Many graphic designers with a passion for print would love to attend the nation’s largest print and paper conference on Sept. 26th but can’t get off work for the full-day event.

Recognizing this, PaperSpecs LIVE is now making available “Exhibit-Only” tickets that give attendees event access from 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM – all for $50.

This not only includes 3 hours to see the latest in paper, printing and finishing techniques from 20 exhibitors, but also so many print and paper samples, attendees will want to bring an extra suitcase!

They will also discover:

Creative Inspiration
They will see – and feel – the latest industry trends and innovations up close

Invaluable Connections?
Attendees will have the chance to meet like-minded creatives and industry luminaries who speak their language?

Print Samples Galore
They will get to take home as many print and paper samples as they can carry.

PaperSpecs Live Chicago In-Person Event
Exhibit-Only Ticket: $50
Full Day Ticket: $229
Where: Venue SIX10, Chicago
When: Sept. 26, 2024
Where to Register: www.PaperSpecsLive.com 

PaperSpecs LIVE Chicago is made possible by the generous support of our partners, including Sappi North America, Sustana, Sylvamo, Winter & Co., swissQprint, BindTech, Fujifilm, Canon Solutions America, Nobelus, Nekoosa, UEI Group – Infinity, Xerox?, CTI Paper USA, K Laser Technology, LPI, Classic Color, Case Paper, Hahnemühle, Color-Logic

And supporting sponsors: Taktiful, FSEA, Indigo Ink Digital Printing, AIGA Chicago, Graphic Artists Guild, Prime Time Pins and Neenah Paper?


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