New UV Hybrid Gibson from RSR proves you don’t have to
pay “silly money” for display print production

Bulldog Display describes itself as an ‘Event Production’ company, which places it at the most challenging and varied end of the sign and display industry. Almost all its work is for short-term use, sometimes for exhibitions, but more often for major corporate product launches and temporary retail ‘takeovers.’ Recent examples include the construction of a 6-metre high advent calendar shaped like a rocket and a giant replica of a drink can.

As a result, the company’s print output needs to be at scale and as versatile as possible; to this end it has invested in a Gibson GT-H3200R6 UV Hybrid Printer with a combined 3.2m flatbed and roll feeding capability, supplied by Repro Sales and Repairs Ltd.

“This is a machine which will do pretty much everything for us,” says Print Finisher Tayler Hill. “Typically this means adhesive rolls such as greyback or high tack, plus all kinds of boards up to around 80mm thick, with the option of running acrylics, glass, even wood.”

The new Gibson replaces a roll-fed Refretonic 3.2m Eco Solvent Printer, and the addition of a flatbed production capability was a key reason for the investment – but not ultimately the most significant difference, according to Tyler. “Running UV inks has been a revelation,” he says. “Previously we would print and then laminate, but now we have cut the lamination stage out altogether, which saves a great deal of time and expense. It’s not just reduced print and drying time, there’s a better quality matt finish to our work, plus it’s more durable and scratch resistant.”

During busy periods, the new Gibson Hybrid can produce up to 24 square metres per hour according to Tyler. “The vacuum bed keeps everything precisely flat and rolls continuously like a treadmill,” he says. “There are lots of details I like, it’s self-lubricating, unlike our old machine, and it comes with an Onyx RIP which offers a lot of control. There are lots of clever design features to make my job easier.”

Bulldog Display Owner Brian Prosser says that the choice of the Gibson was not difficult. “People pay silly money for this kind of machine when they don’t need to. It uses the latest generation Ricoh Gen6 Print Heads, which is the key component, and the engineering is equal to anything else on the market – there was no contest! Plus, this is the third machine we have bought from RSR, they have always looked after us and been a great company to deal with.”

Bulldog Display is now in its 30th year of trading, and has recovered from a severe downturn during the pandemic to the point where its order book is full and its prospects are bright. The company has 9 staff and a 10,000 square foot works in Maidenhead.