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DIA January 31st Meeting to Explore Practical Solutions and Unique Strategies to Help Grow Your Print Business

Press release from the issuing company

In what promises to be another lively exchange of helpful ideas, The Digital Imaging Association (DIA) will hold its first of several events of 2024 covering major printing industry issues and emerging trends. The January 31st, 2024, event will be a town-hall-style webinar/live meeting during which DIA members will reveal their biggest business challenges of 2023 and how they solved them. This will be a rare opportunity for DIA members and guests to network with their peers either online or in person, share their insights and solutions, discuss strategies they used to solve their most pressing issues, and predict the printing industry’s immediate future. There will be no panelists – just DIA moderators extraordinaire Stephen Longmire, National Sales Manager at Sydney Stone (Mississauga, ON) and Dan Thompson, President at Italic Press (Toronto, ON & St. John, NB) fielding questions and facilitating knowledge sharing.

As a member of the Print Community, what were your biggest challenges in 2023? Were they:

• Recruitment and retention of skilled talent?
• Lingering issues with the paper supply-chain?
• The digital transformation of your business?
• Workflow automation and integration adoption?
• Cybersecurity and protecting your sensitive data?
• How and when to use Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
• How to improve your marketing and sales efforts?

Or were you simply trying to stay afloat and maintain your bottom line? And how do you assess the year ahead in your specific market? Finally, what opportunities will present themselves when it comes to growing your business in 2024 and beyond?

If you’re attending online via Zoom, please also submit your 2023 challenges, solutions, and predictions for 2024 in advance to DIA Association Manager Marg Macleod at [email protected], or in person during the live meeting.

Event details
Date: Wednesday, January 31, 2024
In-person time: Noon to 2 pm at HP’s Main Floor Lobby Boardroom, 5150 Spectrum Way, Mississauga, Ontario (lunch will be included)
Zoom meeting time: 12:30 pm ET – 1:45 pm ET

To register
• IN PERSON, as space is limited, please reply directly to DIA Association Manager Marg Macleod at: [email protected] 
• FOR ZOOM online meeting, please click here: https://hp.zoom.com/webinar/register/WN_tWhrTEgjSEKmgRPG_J9NLA