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Upcoming WhatTheyThink Webinar: Secure and Automated—On-Demand Job Management Made Easy

Press release from the issuing company

Ricoh-sponsored session Wednesday, November 8

Job onboarding is a common challenge for small and medium sized in-plant and commercial printers. In fact, roughly 40% of all print jobs, regardless of submission method, require time-consuming follow-up activities before the job can even move into production.

Join us on November 8th to learn how to easily jumpstart your job onboarding with confidence while avoiding the common pitfalls in this critical production area. Automate with efficiency when running a high number of small jobs with this intuitive, vendor-agnostic print-on-demand SaaS workflow technology.

Let our panel of experts from Ricoh – Begum Walji, Jason Jones and Linnea Wolken -  guide you with examples, so you get this right the first time. Our panelists include:

In this webinar you will learn:

  • How to reduce job onboarding time by viewing and managing incoming jobs from multiple submission sources in one secure, cloud-based location.
  • Ways to improve your overall client communication resulting in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • How to increase productivity by automating the entire workflow process of submitting print jobs, conducting malware detection, performing a pre-flight check, and ensuring print readiness without the need for operator intervention or IT expertise.

Attend this interactive webinar to learn how easily many onboarding challenges can be quickly resolved with a SaaS-based, vendor agnostic workflow solution.  

Register now!

A complete archive—slides and audio—will be available for download following this session.

(Note that this session was originally scheduled for November 1.)