ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA (May 9, 2001) – A chief area of concern for the Printing Industries of America (PIA), Incorporated, is the topic of human relations, and the recent conference and information available on the Internet at underscore the association’s mission in giving members the very best resources so they may keep their operations profitable.
Approximately 100 graphic arts industry professionals attended PIA’s Human Relations (HR) Conference 2001 in Henderson, Nevada, and even more visited that section of the web site, where they can download forms and read about compliance issues. In April, according to Theresa Kramer-Burgess, PIA director of Internet Communications, 1,702 viewed the HR section and 1,289 visitors logged on to the HR section to utilize the resources available.
"The modern workplace is a complicated maze of rules, regulations and compliance issues. Add to that interpersonal dealings and the challenge of recruiting and retaining qualified staff, and you realize the delicate nature of human relations and why it is so important in today’s business environment," said Jim Kyger, PIA director of human relations. "To answer questions members have and meet their compliance needs, PIA provides the necessary documents online and holds conferences so executives can share human relations solutions."
Speakers at the conference addressed a number of topics crucial in human relations. The following conference speakers and topics included:
* Debbie Riggs, recognition coach, Tricon/KFC, Louisville, Kentucky: Why Would You Want to Work Anywhere Else?
* Tony LaLumia, vice president, Williamson Printing Corporation, Dallas, Texas: General HR Issues and Ideas
* Kyger: Union Issues and Labor Contracts
* Kurt Schwartz, president, Success Advertising, Livingston, New Jersey: Attract and Retain Exciting People for Your Company
* Cheri Glass, vice president, human resources, Fetter Printing Company, Maple Grove, Minnesota: Welcome to Our Company
* Doug Jones, principal, Doug Jones and Associates, Marietta, Georgia: Supervisory Leadership: Growing Yourself, Your People, and Your Business
* Bob Keller, vice president, human resources and communications, Quebecor World North America, Itasca, Illinios: Your Company Culture
* Claud L. "Tex" McIver, senior partner, Fisher and Phillips, Atlanta, Georgia: Violence in the Workplace…A Sobering Reality
Recent inclusions to the HR section of GAIN provide registered users a wealth of information to assist them with daily operational matters, and regulatory-compliance forms. For example, by logging onto the HR section of the site, PIA and Graphic Arts Technical Foundation (GATF) members may participate in the Human Resources Networking Group.
By visiting another link in the section, members can print out an Age Discrimination and Employment Act waiver, or obtain information about Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations, and safety-compliance issues. Another new feature to the HR section includes an article titled Employee Turnover: Minimize the Costs, and a graph detailing What Does Turnover Really Cost?
PIA/GATF members should visit the Web site regularly to view and obtain the latest information available.