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Reduction in Stora Enso Share Capital Via Cancellation of Company Shares

Press release from the issuing company

04/26/01 - Stora Enso's share capital has been reduced through the cancellation of Stora Enso shares held by the company, as decided by the AGM on 20 March 2001. The share capital was reduced by EUR 39,390,190 through the cancellation of 910,600 Series A shares and 22,260,100 Series R shares. This reduction in share capital was registered in the Finnish Trade Register on 9 April 2001 and the shares were cancelled on 25 April 2001. Following this cancellation of shares, there are 193,585,856 Series A and 711,742,911 Series R Stora Enso shares. The new share capital is EUR 1,539,058,903.90.