Harland Introduces Internet-based Check Reorder Service
Press release from the issuing company
ATLANTA (March 26, 2001) – John H. Harland Company's (NYSE: JH) new Internet-based check reorder service, checks.center, enables consumers to reorder personal checks 24 hours a day, seven days a week through a link from their financial institution's Web site. Consumers can also inquire on the status of recent orders placed through any of Harland's ordering channels (through a financial institution, checks.center, mail, fax or phone).
The no-change reorder module joins two other modules allowing consumers and financial institutions the convenience of placing orders via the Internet. The new service can be used by all customers of participating financial institutions who have ordered checks from Harland in the past 36 months. The service is only for orders that are not modified in any fashion.
"Improving the ordering process for our customers improves quality and service," said Steve Albright, vice president of Harland. "The majority of reorders have no changes and putting control of the ordering process in the hands of the consumer will allow them to take care of an important part of their financial lives with the click of a button."
The Pentagon Federal Credit Union found that the checks.center reorder module also frees up valuable time for employees of the 425,000-member financial institution.
"When we recognized that 15 percent of our e-mail traffic involved check orders, we asked for Harland's help to make these transactions self-service," said Betsy Henkel, senior vice president of operations for Pentagon Federal Credit Union. "We were able to provide our members access to the no-change, re-order program with no development effort on the part of our IT staff."
Harland utilizes the latest digital certificate technology, which encrypts the data that is transmitted between the customer's browser and the checks.center Web site. The system also requires that customers provide other information unique to their previous check order to ensure an added level of security. Additionally, reorders must be sent to the same name and address on file at Harland.