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Toppan Receives Grand Mécénat Award for Kanosei Art Project

Press release from the issuing company

Kanosei Art exhibition in the metaverse (left) and at the Toppan Koishikawa Head Office Building in Tokyo (right).

Initiative to generate added value for works of art by people with disabilities and support their independence recognized by Association for Corporate Support of the Arts with top prize in Japan Mécénat Awards 2022

Tokyo – Toppan, a global leader in communication, security, packaging, décor materials, and electronics solutions, has received the Grand Mécénat Award in the Japan Mécénat Awards 2022 for its Kanosei Art Project, which aims to support the independence of artists with disabilities by adding value to the works of art they create.

The Kanosei Art Project was launched by Toppan in 2018. “Kanosei” is a Japanese word meaning possibilities or potential. The project brings “possibilities” to a large number of people by fusing Toppan’s technologies with work by artists with disabilities. It is also one of the activities of Toppan’s Human Resource Development Laboratory,1 a hub for R&D on next-generation human asset development.

The Kanosei Art Project has been recognized for combining art with Toppan’s technologies to create a new, sustainable scheme that addresses a social issue and contributes to economic activity. It was also commended for the way in which it is linked to human asset development through employees’ participation in new business models, which drives the potential for further expansion of support in the future.

Toppan will continue to work with all its stakeholders to contribute to society and culture through wide-ranging activities.

“We feel greatly honored to receive this award. This is not something that Toppan has achieved on its own. It has been made possible by the cooperation of all the organizations and people who have supported the project, and I would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone involved,” said Hideharu Maro, Toppan’s President & Representative Director. “Activities to support the arts and culture are directly linked to Toppan’s business. We have endeavored to contribute to society and address social issues as a mainstay of information and culture for 122 years since our founding. Leveraging ‘printing technologies’ to deliver diverse content and support a rich and vibrant society is the essence of our business and part of our DNA. Inheriting that DNA, Toppan will continue to make use of technology to enable fulfilling lives as a leading presence in the fields of information and culture.”

About the Kanosei Art Project

Toppan launched the Kanosei Art Project in 2018 as an initiative fusing support for the independence of people with disabilities, business activities, and human asset development. The project aims to establish a business model for addressing a social issue (the independence of people with disabilities) and driving economic activity by leveraging Toppan’s high-definition image processing technologies to give added value to the work of artists with disabilities.

As part of the project, Toppan proposes use of the works of art to its business clients. When artwork is used, fees are paid to artists and the organizations that support them. Works have so far been used in various forms, such as temporary walls at construction sites, Primagraphy®2 display boards in office buildings, and company newsletters. Toppan also incorporates the creation of these kinds of business models into its business training programs to advance the development of next-generation leaders.

In cooperation with various supporting stakeholders, Toppan will continue its efforts to create value for society and contribute to fulfilling living.

The Kanosei Art Project is registered as a TEAM EXPO 2025 co-creation challenge3 for Expo 2025, which will be held in Osaka, Japan.

About the Japan Mécénat Awards

The Japan Mécénat Awards were launched in 1991 by the Association for Corporate Support of the Arts to enhance and raise interest in social contribution activities by businesses. Based on screening by a panel of experts, activities by corporations, corporate foundations, and private-sector federations are recognized for outstanding contributions that enrich society through promotion of the arts and culture. Out of 166 entries this year, one was selected for the Grand Mécénat Award and five received awards for excellence.
For more information, visit https://www.mecenat.or.jp/en/services/mecenat-awards

1. Human Resource Development Laboratory
Press release: https://www.toppan.co.jp/news/2017/04/newsrelease170410.html (in Japanese)

2. Primagraphy combines the fine-art printing technique of giclée, which originated in the U.S., with color adjustment techniques developed by Toppan in prepress and printing. The French verb “gicler” means to spray or spout. Giclée has become established as a new technique for fine-art printing alongside silkscreen and lithography.

3. TEAM EXPO 2025 co-creation challenge: https://team.expo2025.or.jp/ja/challenge/98 (in Japanese)

*Kanosei Art is a registered trademark of Toppan Inc.