Boston, April 10, 2001 - The International Cooperation for the Integration of Processes in Prepress, Press and Postpress (CIP4) today announced the release of version 1.0 of the Job Definition Format (JDF) specification. JDF, an emerging standard for the graphic arts market, administered by CIP4, is an XML-based print workflow specification. As an open standard, JDF will benefit print buyers and print service providers by simplifying the job specification process, by ensuring cross-vendor system communication, and by automating many of today's manual production processes with a flexible, universal Job Ticket (JDF). The specification is available immediately at
Collaborative support for JDF by technology vendors, hardware manufacturers, eCommerce vendors, print production companies, and others involved in printed communication is expected to enable efficient end-to-end print supply chain workflow. JDF promises to integrate authoring, production, management, manufacturing, delivery and MIS control. This will allowing system and software developers to extend existing high performance systems, to develop new, highly-configurable systems and to create a new level of process integration in the industry. eCommerce companies will be able to directly integrate this production workflow into print management systems, accessible via online web sites. End users can look forward to more cost-effective workflow automation.
"This collaborative effort on JDF brings together key players in the printing industry and validates the role of open, robust workflow standards towards realizing new supply chain efficiencies," said George Cacioppo, Vice President of Internet Printing, Adobe Systems Incorporated.
"As the first software company to adopt EDI standards for ordering print 10 years ago, printCafe is dedicated to remaining a leader in technology for the printing industry," said Marc Olin, Co-CEO and President of printCafe. "The printCafe approach has always been to participate in the work of CIP4 and GCA and to leverage industry standards to streamline the flow of information within the commercial print environment. We are very supportive of CIP4 and encouraged by the release of JDF 1.0 and the inclusion of GCA in the process. This effort, we believe, will be instrumental in creating workflow efficiencies for our customers and all commercial printers."