Press release from the issuing company
Milford, CT – Quadient, a leader in helping businesses create meaningful customer connections through digital and physical channels, announces that it has been awarded an AA rating in the MSCI ESG Ratings dated December 2021.
MSCI is a leading provider of critical decision support tools and services for the global investment community. On a AAA to CCC ratings scale, MSCI ESG Ratings measure over 8,500 companies’ resilience to long-term, industry material environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks. The AA rating places Quadient in the Leaders category alongside peer organizations that show strong management of their most significant ESG risks and opportunities.
In the MSCI ESG Ratings report, Quadient falls into the highest scoring range relative to global peers in terms of corporate governance, with an independent board majority and the alignment of its governance practices with shareholder interests. MSCI also highlighted the company's programs related to responsible procurement in supply chain, the implementation of an anti-corruption framework as well as policies to guide supplier performance on labor and human rights, mitigating potential related risks in the different countries where it operates.
As Quadient relies on a skilled workforce to integrate technologies to automate communication and business-critical processes, the MSCI ESG Ratings report also noted robust talent management initiatives, including strong remuneration, benefits, and upskilling programs, while conducting regular satisfaction surveys to gauge employee sentiment.
Geoffrey Godet, CEO at Quadient, said: “At Quadient, we have placed our ESG goals as the cornerstone of our Back to Growth strategy, so we are extremely proud of our AA rating from MSCI ESG Ratings. This recognizes all the efforts and results achieved by the teams at Quadient over the past years. We are particularly happy for MSCI’s recognition of our corporate governance, our policies on business ethics and anti-corruption as well as our efforts to attract and retain the talents that make the growth and the success of our company. Like other extra-financial ratings we received, we use MSCI’s in-depth analysis as a compass to continue moving forward and strive to further improve our score in every aspect of our ESG policy. This is how we intend to maintain our position as a market leader, and continue earning the trust of our customers, employees, investors, suppliers and the communities in which we operate.”
MSCI ESG Ratings reports are designed to help institutional investors identify ESG risks and opportunities. Companies are assessed and rated according to their exposure to industry-specific and financially material ESG risks, and their ability to manage those risks relative to peers.
Quadient's commitment to corporate social responsibility has been recognized by several prominent rating agencies. In addition to the recent inclusion in the Global100 ESG Ranking by Corporate Knights, Quadient achieved in 2021 the second place in the Gaïa Research ranking of companies with a revenue above €500 million, as well as the EcoVadis gold medal for the 3rd consecutive year, reaching the top 1% of companies in the same industry.
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