Press release from the issuing company
GO ColorMate RIP SP - Production Imaging Software for Screen Printers
Sunnyvale, Calif. – Today Graphics One is introducing a new family of Macintosh-based production software named ColorMate™ RIP. GO’s ColorMate™ RIP SP (Screen Print) will initially be released for use with the Graphics One turnkey ScreenMate™ film positive printing systems and will be followed by other versions for separate targeted markets.
Dan Barefoot, Graphics One V.P. indicated, “For many years, screen printers who used the Macintosh as their platform of choice have had limited-featured RIP products to use in their screen print workflow. With the launch of GO ColorMate™ RIP SP, this changes with the inclusion of our extensive range of software power tools developed specifically for the use of Mac-based screen printers.”
“In addition to our ColorMate™ RIP SP, Graphics One will launch other Macintosh native RIPs for the following targeted applications:
· GO ColorMate™ RIP TT – Toner Transfer for OKI printers
· GO ColorMate™ RIP DS – Dye Sublimation printers
· GO ColorMate™ RIP DTG / DTF – Direct-to-Garment and Direct-to-Film printers
Although ColorMate™ RIP offers advanced professional features not found in other RIPs or drivers, the workspace is designed with simplicity with the underlying functionality being fully featured for the targeted applications,” stated Barefoot.
GO’s ColorMate™ RIP SP will be available in late summer through the Graphics One distribution channel and will have list pricing starting at $549 for printers 24-inches and under in width.
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