(October 12, 2008) XMPie customer Response Network is using variable data printing and cross-media communications to transform from a print-for-pay company to a value-added marketing communications firm. The transition revolves around the Netherlands-based company's use of XMPie solutions to expand its business offerings and solve clients' business communications challenges.
One of Response Network's first cross-media projects created a campaign for a travel company to better reach prospective cruise customers and sell more trips. Before working with Response Network, the travel company's direct marketing efforts were slow and expensive, netting a mere four percent response rate. With XMPie's PersonalEffect and uImage solutions, Response Network easily developed a targeted cross-media campaign that captured recipients' attention.
The initial campaign phase was a direct mailer that was delivered to people who had responded to previous marketing efforts but hadn't booked a cruise. The personalized mailers used XMPie uImage with the recipient's name on the bow of a ship and allowed for response through a reply card or Response URL (rURL). When prospects responded using the rURL they were sent to a Web site were they were asked a few questions to help the travel agency fine tune the next wave of personalized communication. A follow-up personalized e-mail thanking the prospect for their time and interest was the final communication. The tailored campaign resulted in a 36 percent response rate and generated immediate cruise bookings.
"XMPie is helping our business grow steadily," said Willem Jubels, owner and director, Response Network. "With XMPie, we can do a different kind of work. The results distinguish us from the rest, especially when it comes to providing fresh ideas."
Response Network continues to implement similar cross-media campaigns and customers are experiencing strong response rates and increased revenue.