Press release from the issuing company
Millions of Consumers Reached Via Newspaper and Magazine Ads, Direct Mail, Dozens of Speeches, Keynotes, Webinars, & Press Conferences, Extensive PR, and Marketing Tool Kit Distributed to Printers
New York, N.Y. – The Printing Industries Alliance is pleased to announce that their Print Drives America Foundation is celebrating their third anniversary. Print Drives America was launched in September, 2017. The national advocacy group for the printing industry has had amazing success in just three years.
For years, PRINT has been attacked with widespread misinformation about its size, its audience, its advanced technology and its environmental advantages. Print Drives America was formed to set the record straight and to present PRINT as the most attractive and effective media above all others. Many have asked why we didn’t challenge this misinformation before and the answer is; when a media is more than 500 years in maturity, we took it for granted that its veracity was understood and we were wrong. For the past two decades experimental, new media have contributed to spreading misinformation in an effort to gain their own traction. Our efforts together with digital fatigue on the part of consumers and digital doubt from marketers have started to give PRINT the positive perception and excellent reputation that it deserves.
Our marketing efforts have been wide spread and have included a four part advertising campaign, a four part direct mail series and four posters for plants and conference rooms. We gave dozens of speeches, keynotes and webinars as well as conducting press conferences in Chicago, Dallas and New York.
Print Drives America has also employed an aggressive public relations program and has issued several dozen press releases resulting in hundreds of articles and pick-ups. All the marketing materials can be customized for use by printers across the country at no cost.
The center piece of our marketing program was a half-page ad that appeared earlier this year in the national edition of the Wall Street Journal. The newspaper has a print circulation of over a million and a huge pass-a-long readership and a cost in excess of $250,000.
The ad headlined “PRINT IS GREEN” was one of four ads that Print Drives America uses to dispel myths about PRINT.
The other ads created by the Print Drives America Foundation include “PRINT IS COOL” which points out that PRINT is perceived as favorable to the Gen Z and Millennial generations; “PRINT IS HIGH TECH” that explains that PRINT today harnesses the best marketing technology that precisely targets recipients and “PRINT IS COLLASAL” that details why PRINT is the largest communications media, larger than broadcast and online media and all other media combined.
Files for the ads are available to all, printers, vendors and publications. The may customize the ads with their own company signatures. Posters and mailing pieces are also available.
On December 4th, 2020, Print Drives America will host the 68th Franklin Awards. This year it will be in a in a private club on Park Avenue in NYC. In addition to the Franklin Award, there will be four other awards announced soon given to printing companies for Innovation, Packaging, Inkjet and Digital.
Print Drives America is the champion and cheerleader of the National Print Industry and they have become the voice of the industry. Printers have pointed out that they like the razor sharp focus that Print Drives America pays to increasing print’s market share over other media that competes with print for budget dollars.
The Print Drives America Foundation and their Executive Director, Marty Maloney presents PRINT as a media not just as a manufacturing activity. This truly unique way of treating print allows it to be measured favorably against media that it competes with such as broadcast and new media. Maloney has conducted decades of research that proves that the multiple platforms of PRINT dwarf all other media by far.
Maloney is considered a true media expert and his expertise and research stems from his thirty plus year association with New York University where he served on the board of NYU’s Masters Programs in Strategic Communication, Marketing and Media Management and was elected and served a multiple year term as Board Chair. He has created and continues to teach several media and business courses in NYU’s graduate school. Maloney’s academic experience is complemented by his market experience of heading up Broadford & Maloney Inc., a global advertising, marketing and PR agency that he founded in 1984.
Print Drives America constantly delivers good news about printing platforms such as the remarkable resurgence and acceptance of direct mail across all ages and the big increases of printed books, as well as the continued gains in labels and packaging and the spread of free standing inserts to newspapers, direct mail and yes, packages.
The Print Drives America gives print a stronger voice to communicate print’s attractive features that create a strong consumer preference for print, demonstrates its amazing ROI, and to advances print’s leadership position. We make print attractive to all, erase the misinformation about print and greatly enhance print’s positive perception. Print today is an increasingly high-tech industry that produces collateral materials, magazines, books, direct mail, newspapers, catalogs, labels, packaging, out-of-home media, signage and scores of other print categories. Print in the aggregate makes print the largest communications media of all. Our goal is to increase the perception of print as well as to meaningfully increase print’s market share”.
About Print Drive America Foundation
The Print Drives America Foundation is a national initiative and is registered as a not-for-profit 501(c) (3) charitable organization. All contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible. Funds for the Foundation’s marketing and PR efforts will be raised from both printers and vendors without regard to geographic limitations. Contributions can be accepted in any amount and frequency. Contributors do not need to be PIA members. Please contact Marty Maloney for further information at [email protected] or 203 912 0804.
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