xpedx Selects eSpecto to Monitor Web-based Applications for Customers
Press release from the issuing company
As part of an ongoing initiative to streamline the eBusiness process for customers using xpedx.com, the company's eBusiness site, xpedx has partnered with eSpecto, Inc., developer of an e-commerce monitoring software application that helps customers identify problems with Web-based applications, to ensure optimal performance from the customer's point-of-view.
xpedx views the eSpecto monitoring tool as a "24/7 virtual user." This user provides information about the logon process, checks stock functions, tests connections to backend systems and also assists with order review using multi-step transactions to monitor the site at a granular level. The application also reports problems such as broken links and graphics, identifies pages that are delivered slowly and indicates if there is a breakdown in the e-commerce business process.
David Wallace, director of eBusiness for xpedx said, "Ensuring that our site is available and responsive to our customers will be key to our success. We chose to work with eSpecto because we wanted to provide performance and monitoring of our site from the customer's point of view. While we use internal monitoring solutions, we wanted to understand the experience of external users visiting our site. eSpecto has met that need by providing us with the perspective of the external market. Customers will rely on xpedx.com to support their daily, mission critical business needs."
Larry Steinberg, president of eSpecto said, "xpedx is a leading-edge company that puts its customers first. Many companies are looking to stay in touch with their clients' online experience. Because customer service is important to these companies, Web monitoring is becoming an important aide to ensure that the customer's online experience is a productive one."