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Articles by WhatTheyThink

WhatTheyThink is the global printing industry's go-to information source with both print and digital offerings, including WhatTheyThink.com, WhatTheyThink Email Newsletters, and the WhatTheyThink magazine. Our mission is to inform, educate, and inspire the industry. We provide cogent news and analysis about trends, technologies, operations, and events in all the markets that comprise today's printing and sign industries including commercial, in-plant, mailing, finishing, sign, display, textile, industrial, finishing, labels, packaging, marketing technology, software and workflow.

Displaying 3601-3700 of 4651 articles

JDF: The Myths Unveiled

Published June 28, 2004

Market Intelligence on a Budget

Published June 28, 2004

Shrink-wrapped skill

Published June 28, 2004

Chapter V: Sharpening Your Sword

Published June 21, 2004

The Peril's of Personalization

Published June 21, 2004

The Truth about JDF

Published June 14, 2004

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Published June 14, 2004

Software Overview: Exstream Dialogue

Published June 14, 2004

PDF: More than a cool technology

Published June 14, 2004

What Do Print Buyers Want?

Published June 9, 2004

Disruptive--and Synergistic--Hybrids

Published June 7, 2004

The Last Inserters You'll Ever Buy

Published June 7, 2004

What's Good about Good Data

Published June 7, 2004

DRUPA: So, How Was it For You?

Published June 7, 2004

Digital Print Drives Drupa

Published June 1, 2004

ME: Change My Name

Published May 24, 2004

Say hello to the E-CSR

Published May 24, 2004

Simplifying Workflow Solutions

Published May 24, 2004

Drinking From A Fire Hose

Published May 17, 2004

FREE: Finishing--As You Like It

Published May 17, 2004

The Seven Challenges of Print

Published May 10, 2004

Portals to Print

Published May 10, 2004

Convincing Your Customers to Succeed

Published May 10, 2004

After drupa: What's Next?

Published May 3, 2004

Data Mining for Value

Published May 3, 2004

Computers and Eyeballs

Published April 26, 2004

It's an on-demand world after all

Published April 26, 2004

Do You Train Your Customers?

Published April 19, 2004

Predicting Profitability

Published April 19, 2004

Focus: The Missing Ingredient

Published April 19, 2004

Xerox Speaks on ODMC Lawsuit

Published April 19, 2004

FedEx--Kinko's on demand

Published April 12, 2004

The Elusive Value Proposition

Published April 12, 2004

Choose Your Weapons Carefully

Published April 12, 2004

Update on Distribution Models

Published April 12, 2004