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Articles by Cary Sherburne

Cary Sherburne is a well-known author, journalist and marketing consultant whose practice is focused on marketing communications strategies for the printing and publishing industries.

Cary Sherburne is available for speaking engagements and consulting projects. To get more information contact us.

Please offer your feedback to Cary. She can be reached at [email protected].

Displaying 1901-2000 of 2289 articles

The Rise and Fall of Mallard Press Part 2

Published October 14, 2009

The recent closure of Mallard Press caught our eye. While I don’t know Bob Gay or the company personally, a review of its web site revealed a company that appeared to be on the right track and making the right investments for the future. Bob Gay was kind enough to speak frankly with us about the factors that led to the demise of the company.

The Rise and Fall of Mallard Press

Published October 12, 2009

The recent closure of Mallard Press caught our eye. While I don’t know Bob Gay or the company personally, a review of its web site revealed a company that appeared to be on the right track and making the right investments for the future. Bob Gay was kind enough to speak frankly with us about the factors that led to the demise of the company. Perhaps there are lessons here for others in the industry who may be teetering on the edge or worried about the future.

Mallard Press has Closed

Published October 6, 2009

Remember DAX and Sprockets?

Published October 2, 2009

I recently ran into Patrick White, an industry veteran I had not seen a long time. In the late 1990’s, Patrick was regarded as one of the industry’s leading prepress consultants and was the recipient of NAPL’s 1998 Technical Leadership Award. In 1995, he founded Digital Art Exchange, known as DAX, as an integrator of ISDN (remember that??) and related technologies for prepress connectivity applications.

Xerox's “Game Changing” ACS Acquisition

Published September 28, 2009

Education and Integration the Name of the Game at Print 09

Published September 25, 2009

Last week, Barb Pellow wrote an article on WhatTheyThink about Print 09 emphasizing that people came to the event with a purpose, and much of that revolved around education. She highlighted Executive Outlook and the conference sessions, as well as WhatTheyThink’s first-ever in-person educational event, the Print CEO Forum, along with the significant networking opportunities attending a show like Print 09 offers. I wanted to add to that perspective. I think many of the exhibitors also did an excellent job of providing in-booth educational opportunities. Of course, they were there to sell products and services, but they also put forth extraordinary efforts to emphasize the educational element.

A Few Hot Items to Check Out at Print 09

Published September 8, 2009

Print 09 is just around the corner, and exhibitors have been busy ensuring that they have the right mix of information, hardware, software, education and entertainment to make this an outstanding show.

A Sea Change in Printing Trade Shows?

Published August 28, 2009

Print 09 is shaping up to be an interesting show. The Graphic Arts Show Company has continued to shift the shape of the show based on changing industry dynamics. In case you haven’t visited the show site, it is being billed as myPRINT and has lots of great features to help attendees plan their show experience and navigate once they get there. The show company is even doing a cross-media campaign with mailings linked to personalized URLs. Visitors to the show site can customize their experience there as well, by specifying the type of visitor they are: commercial printer, in-plant printer, print buyer, etc., and being presented with the most relevant content.

2009’s Top Ten Technologies for Survival

Published August 21, 2009

Each year for the last several years, I have taken the time to speak with Bill Lamparter, who coordinates Executive Outlook and the Must See ‘ems program for Graph Expo/Print, to learn more about what went into the Must See ‘ems panel decision about top technologies. This year was no exception.

TransPromo: A B2B Twist

Published August 11, 2009

Yesterday, InfoPrint Solutions and Sinclair Oil announced a TransPromo partnership that has a slightly different twist than the programs we normally hear about. Most of the TransPromo case studies tend to focus on business-to-consumer applications: Companies who place marketing or educational messages on statements, invoices, notifications and other consumer (customer) communications, reducing costs and often converting these mundane documents from a cost center into revenue generators.

Ink Optimization Made Easy

Published August 7, 2009

At the recent IPA Technical Conference, Chromaticity introduced an ink optimization solution that, according to the company, reinvents the way color separations are produced, a process that has remained relatively unchanged for decades. WhatTheyThink spoke to Ian MacKenzie, Chromaticity’s Vice President of Marketing, to get more detail about this bold statement and what it might mean to the industry.

Web-to-Print: We need a new name

Published July 30, 2009

Beyond Web-to-Print, Drew Swankie of R and R Images

Published July 24, 2009

A year ago at drupa, HP announced an OEM relationship with Press-sense to bring to market HP’s SmartStream Director Web-to-fulfillment workflow solution, citing key benefits, components and features including:

Fired Up by the Kindle

Published July 20, 2009

Digital Printing Coming of Age

Published July 9, 2009

It’s Almost Showtime …

Published June 11, 2009

ad:tech San Francisco

Published June 2, 2009

Making the Most of Industry Resources

Published May 26, 2009

'Tis the Season for Web Innovation

Published May 21, 2009

Getting Inside the Brand Owner's Head

Published May 15, 2009

BCT: A Trade Force to be Reckoned With?

Published April 15, 2009

In Demand at On Demand

Published March 30, 2009

AlphaGraphics On the Move

Published March 13, 2009

Mohawk Continues Acquisition Strategy

Published March 5, 2009

What is a PSP?

Published February 23, 2009

Dscoop4 Exceeds Expectations

Published February 23, 2009

Industry Executives Share Their Thoughts

Published February 5, 2009

Don’t Skimp on Training Investments

Published January 30, 2009

User Groups: The Value Proposition

Published January 21, 2009

The Proof Is In: TransPromo Works!

Published December 9, 2008

Digital/Offset Cross-Over

Published November 3, 2008

Shifting Sands

Published November 2, 2008

Moving the Industry to the Next Level

Published October 30, 2008

The Print Service Provider Survival Kit

Published October 29, 2008

Power in the Hands of the Print Buyer

Published July 23, 2008

What Happens Once It’s Printed?

Published July 9, 2008

Cool Stuff I Saw at drupa

Published June 26, 2008

The drupa Difference

Published June 4, 2008

EFI/PostNet Deal: The Inside Scope

Published May 8, 2008

JDF: Where Are We Now?

Published April 30, 2008