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Two International Awards Competitions Recognize Ripon Printers and Its Customers

Press release from the issuing company

The Premier Print Awards and Gold Ink Awards both recently honored the work of Ripon Printers and several of its customers. As a leading printer of catalogs, direct mail, publications, manuals and soft-cover educational products, Ripon embraces best production practices and collaborates with clients to constantly raise the quality bar. The company’s consistently strong showing in highly competitive print competitions reflects, in part, Ripon’s quality-first commitment. 

Billed as the world’s most prestigious international print competition with more than 3,000 entries submitted, the Premier Print Awards selected ELITE Luxury Publishing Watch Guide 2013/14 for an Award of Recognition in the Magazines (Cover—sheetfed; Interior—web) category. 

Sister publication ELITE Travel: Asia; Hotels; Sept/Oct 2013; Jan/Feb 2014 received a Certificate of Merit for Magazine Series. Earlier this year, the oft-recognized publication took first place honors in the Graphic Excellence Awards. 

Also receiving a Certificate of Merit was Johnson Health Tech North America/Matrix Performance in the Product Catalogs (4 or more colors, printers with more than 250 employees) category. Joining them was the Southern Exposure Seed Exchange 2014 Catalog, honored in the Web Press Printing (4 or more colors, uncoated paper) category.

The 2014 Gold Ink Awards, sponsored by Printing Impressions magazine, recognized Twisted Tree Comics with a first place Gold Award in the digital, printing, books and manuals category for Spindle Twisted Tree Issue #2. Now in its 27th year of competition, the Gold Ink Awards is a celebration of the best in print products and attracts thousands of entries from around the world. 

All Gold Ink Awards winners are recognized on the Gold Ink Website (http://www.goldink.com/gold-ink-winners), through the sponsor’s social media platforms and in Printing Impressions magazine. Top award winning companies and their entries are also showcased during a multimedia presentation at the Gold Ink Awards & Hall of Fame Gala to be held Monday, September 29, 2014 at GRAH EXPO 2014 in Chicago.

“We congratulate all the winners and especially our award-winning customers for entrusting us with responsibility for producing their excellent materials, says Andy Lyke, president and CEO of Ripon Printers. “Our entire production team takes pride in applying all of our resources to produce superior print products for our customers that enhance their market performance.”  

View www.riponprinters.com/corporate/awards.jsp  for a complete list Ripon Printers’ print competition awards winners. 


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