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WBMPA Felicitated Kamal Chopra

Press release from the issuing company

During the Gutenberg Festival celebrated by the West Bengal Master Printers’ Association (WBMPA) Prof. Kamal Mohan Chopra is felicitated for his endless contributions and achievements for the printing and packaging industry. Speaking on the occasion Mr. Tunir Deb, Hon. Treasurer, WBMPA said, Kamal is a man on mission, who has coined the slogan ‘Proud to be a Printer’ to bring feelings of self-confidence in the global printing community. He is a selfless personally, the only printer whose work on history of printing is preserved as an important document at the Printing History Museum Beijing, China, and Gutenberg Museum Mainz, Germany, and the only one, who is designated as the honorary Professor at the Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication - the world's largest university of printing technology at Beijing, China. He is the brain behind the Print Olympiad, the only competition of its kind anywhere in the world. The Viren Chhabra Print Leadership Award (VCPLA) and the Global Print Excellence Awards (GPEA) are his contributions to the printing and packing sector.

Welcoming Prof. Chopra, Mr. Tarun Kr Ganguly, President WBMPA said, we are fortunate that personality like him is with us today. I have noticed that in case of any challenge he is the source for solution for the printers of India. He is man of networking and formed sixty-two new printers’ associations. He is the fine and clear example of what one can achieve with determination, sincerity, and hard working.

Arijit Dutta, Hon Secretary of WBMPA said, Kamal, with sheer grit, determination, perseverance, patience, passion, compassion, indefatigable spirit, and innovative ideas, has almost single-handedly given a fillip to the printing, packaging, and allied fields. He has given printing industry entrepreneurs recognition among 'National builders'.

Speaking on the occasion, Prof. Chopra said, I feel deeply indebted, WBMPA is one of the oldest printers’ associations of India. Like in the Bible we also look forward towards East for the light of inspiration. I was feeling embarrassed when Tunir was reading my introduction, what I am today is only because I am a Printer and I always love and feel proud of that. Today, the elite printers of Kolkata are present here to celebrate Gutenberg Festival, I am honored to get your shower of blessings on this auspicious day. Any challenge is no-challenge when we try to face it jointly because unity has abundant power.

Congratulating Kamal, Mr. Surindra Dhote, former president of AIFMP said, after looking at his energy and spirit of working for others I am surprised if this person has any time for rest or sleep. Today is a wonderful day, we are here to celebrate in the name of Father of Modern Printing and at the same time, what a coincidence that we can rub shoulders with the internationally renowned personality of printing sector.


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