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Articles by Cary Sherburne

Cary Sherburne is a well-known author, journalist and marketing consultant whose practice is focused on marketing communications strategies for the printing and publishing industries.

Cary Sherburne is available for speaking engagements and consulting projects. To get more information contact us.

Please offer your feedback to Cary. She can be reached at [email protected].

Displaying 351-450 of 984 articles

Home Decor to Take Center Stage at Smithers Digital Print For Textiles

Published June 21, 2021

Michelle Courtois is an experienced design professional with a passion for textiles, product development, and technology. While she started in apparel and has worked with many well-known brands, she is shifting her focus to home decor -- a booming opportunity as more people are choosing to continue to work from home and to spend more time and energy making their homes reflect their style and lifestyle. Michelle talks about the projects she will present at the conference and where she sees the home decor market going from here.

EFI Reggiani Announces New Products at ITMA Asia, Broadening Extensive Digital Textile Printing Line

Published June 14, 2021

In its first in-person trade show appearance since the pandemic began, EFI Reggiani displayed its dedication to ongoing innovation for textiles, even during this difficult time. Three new products were announced at ITMA Asia in Shanghai last Friday, as well as ink manufacturing capabilities in Asia and updates to the EFI Reggiani BOLT. Read the full story.

EFI Reggiani Adds Ease of Entry Printers, Localized Ink Manufacturing, to Portfolio at ITMA Asia 2021

Published June 14, 2021

Adele Genoni, EFI Vice President and General Manager at EFI Reggiani, joins Senior Editor Cary Sherburne to talk about the company's first in-person presence at a major trade event since the pandemic began. At ITMA Asia 2021, EFI Reggiani is launching two new ease of entry digital textile printers and teasing a third that will be launched later in the summer.

Affiliates Are Positioned to Support Local Printing Communities

Published June 10, 2021

Following PRINTING United Alliance’s acquisition of the Printing Industries of America (PIA), the 21 local Printing Industries of Americas Affiliates joined together to see how they could work together to continue to support their local print communities. Cary Sherburne spoke with members of Affiliate Operating and Education Committees about their plans for the future.

What Will the Post-Pandemic Textiles & Apparel Industry Look Like?

Published June 7, 2021

As we begin to see the end of the pandemic (we hope), we wonder what things will look like on the other end. WTIN recently conducted a very informative webinar that touches on this topic and more. Worth a view! This article contains a summary of key information provided.

Frank Romano and the Museum of Printing

Published June 2, 2021

Frank Romano, an industry icon who needs no introduction, spoke with Senior Editor Cary Sherburne on the eve of his 80th birthday. He shared stories about how he got into the printing industry and some of his early career, talked about the Museum of Printing and a few of the unique items that are on display there, and provided sage insight and advice about the future of the industry.

First Place Winners of the AATCC Concept 2 Consumer Student Merchandising Competition Discuss their Project and their Futures

Published June 1, 2021

For the 2021 AATCC Concept 2 Consumer® Student Merchandising Competition, AATCC received nine entries, with 19 students participating from five colleges and universities. In this video, we interview Evietta Chapman and Keaton Springer, the first place winners with their Circular Edit project. They talk about why they are choosing careers in textiles & apparel, what their project consisted of, and what their plans are after graduation in June of 2021.

UBS Research Highlights Trends Fueling Fast Fashion Fires Threatening the Future of this Unsustainable Model

Published May 24, 2021

We recently suggested that the Fast Fashion trend should come to an end sooner rather than later, especially in today’s more sustainability-conscious environment and increased focus on solving climate change issues around the globe. In this article, we share insights from recent UBS and other research supporting this position and suggesting what happens if consumers cut back on fast fashion.

bluesign: Making Inroads on Increased Sustainability in Textiles & Apparel

Published May 24, 2021

With textiles & apparel being the second largest contributor to pollution, behind the petroleum industry, everything we can do to minimize that is important. In this discussion, Reinhard Umber of bluesign discusses the extensive process the company's partners must undergo to be able to use the prestigious bluesign logo and become a system partner.

SAI-TEX USA Brings Sustainable On-Demand Denim Apparel Manufacturing On Shore

Published May 17, 2021

With a goal to ultimately employ 300 people, and with some very unique and sustainable ways of washing, preparing, cutting and sewing denim products, SAI-TEX USA is not only playing a substantial role in reshoring of apparel manufacturing, but has also introduced benefits of on-demand production to this product category. SAI-TEX USA President Kathy Kweon explains.

Are Smart Glasses Finally Hitting their Stride?

Published May 10, 2021

The pandemic has driven significant change into a number of aspects of our lives, many of which are likely to stick around long after we get through this difficult period. One technology that has seen an increase in adoption is Smart Glasses. We’ve got examples of how forward-thinking companies have leveraged this technology to keep revenues coming in despite pandemic restrictions.

Fiber is the New Computing Platform

Published May 10, 2021

We spoke with Sasha Stolyarov, CEO of AFFOA, about a year ago on the subject of fiber-based computing. Now, a year later, he has plenty of updates to share in this informative video interview. The future of fiber-based computing is here, and will only grow in functionality as AFFOA and others advance this exciting field for the textiles industry.

Kornit Boosts Quality, Durability, Flexibility for Digital Direct-to-Garment Printing

Published May 3, 2021

Kornit recently upped its direct-to-garment (DTG) game with announcement of the Kornit Atlas MAX printer, incorporating new technology that allows much more detail to be printed on garments than before. MAX technology is expected to be available for direct-to-fabric printing in the future.

The Nicole Saunders Story: A Passion for Graphic Arts

Published May 3, 2021

Recent RIT graduate Nicole Saunders has joined commercial printer Kirkwood and is currently working her way through various departments in the company under the mentorship of its managers. The goal is to determine where she feels she can deliver the most value and where her true passions lie. This is a great story that can encourage others to pursue a career in graphic communications.

Ziel Accelerates Growth of On-Demand Apparel Manufacturing

Published April 26, 2021

The best way to figure out how to deploy technology to accelerate adoption of emerging trends is to use it yourself in a real-life operation. That’s exactly what software and services company Ziel is doing. Learn how the company is leveraging its own on-demand apparel manufacturing platform to develop industry-changing solutions for those wishing to implement a sustainable, on-demand manufacturing model for their businesses.

New Entrants Bring New Ideas to On-Demand Manufacturing in Textiles

Published April 26, 2021

In this video, Marleen Vogelaar, who has a background in 2D and 3D printing, explains why she decided to enter the apparel industry with her company Ziel, and what the objectives and future plans of the company are, including stimulating on-demand manufacturing of apparel, and developing a software infrastructure that makes the process easier for manufacturers.

2021 Annual Print Shop Franchise Review

Published April 21, 2021

In WhatTheyThink/Printing News’ Annual Print Shop Franchise Review, Cary Sherburne takes a look at how the major print franchises fared in the past year, how they managed the COVID-19 pandemic, and how they plan to make up lost ground in 2021.

Robert Stabler Shares Latest News from Koenig & Bauer Durst

Published April 19, 2021

Cary Sherburne talks to Robert Stabler about the latest digital packaging product introductions from Koenig & Bauer Durst, as well as some of the changes the pandemic has brought to the press placement process.

Robert Stabler Talks about the Koenig & Bauer Durst Joint Venture and the New Products It Has Spawned

Published April 19, 2021

Back in 2019, Durst and Koenig & Bauer announced a joint venture to develop digital printing capabilities for the corrugated and folding carton markets. Fast forward two years, and the vision has become reality. Hear what Managing Director Robert Stabler has to say about the experience.

What Does Sustainability Mean in Print and Packaging?

Published April 12, 2021

Marci Kinter, Vice President of Government & Regulatory Affairs for PRINTING United Alliance, has significant knowledge and expertise on the various aspects of sustainability and what it means for a printing plant all the way out to the consumer and end of life of the printed product. In this interview, she offers insight into print, packaging and the circular economy.

PGSF: Helping Attract and Support New Talent for the Graphic Arts Industry

Published April 5, 2021

In this interview, Jules van Sant shares a Printing & Graphics Scholarship Foundation (PGSF) update. Among the many industry-related hats she wears, she has taken on this volunteer leadership role to help get the word out on scholarships that are available to help or encourage students to consider a career in the broader graphic arts industry, from marketing and sales, to graphic design, to running a press and the myriad of other opportunities the industry offers.

Notable Developments in Sustainability for Textiles and Apparel

Published April 5, 2021

Sustainability is a hot topic in the textiles and apparel industry, as well it should be. Discussions have heated up even more as a result of the pandemic and the associated supply chain difficulties it has presented for the industry. Expect to see increased use of the terms recycling, upcycling, and even return of rentals as the industry works to adjust to a wide range of new realities. Lenzing Tencel is a good example of the type of environmental stewardship that is needed to make the industry more sustainable. Other examples are included in this article as well—and there are many more in the works or already in the market.

Affiliates and PRINTING United Alliance Part Ways, Affiliates Bullish About the Future

Published March 23, 2021

For the past two years or so, the former PIA Affiliates (now we are just calling them the Affiliates!) have been working behind the scenes to develop an infrastructure to help them better serve their local communities. This has taken the form of an Operating Committee and a number of sub-committees as well as a high spirit of collaboration among the individual Affiliates for the benefit of their members. In this video interview, several members of the Operating Committee share their views on a positive future for the industry.

Can We Put the Whole Fast Fashion Thing in the Rearview? Just Sayin’

Published March 22, 2021

Fast fashion became a thing around the turn of this century. It’s the process of churning out low-quality, you could even say disposable, clothing to take advantage of every passing fad and trend. But in this writer’s humble opinion, this has to stop! We are choking our oceans and landfills with junk clothes. Can we put more focus on quality and durability? Just sayin’.

Textiles, Sustainability, and Circularity: It's Not as Straightforward As You Might Think

Published March 22, 2021

Marci Kinter, Vice President of Government & Regulatory Affairs for PRINTING United Alliance, talks about the issue of sustainability and the circular economy as it affects the textile industry and the need to reexamine the supply chain to create a more environmentally conscious industry, especially in light of its fragility as exposed by the pandemic.

There's an Urgency to Fixing the Textiles & Apparel Supply Chain

Published March 16, 2021

John Thorbeck of ChaingeCapital.com has been working with Stanford University on a number of sustainability issues relative to the textiles and apparel supply chain. In this interview, he communicates a sense of urgency for brands to implement programs that reduce inventory risk, freeing capital for necessary changes in the supply chain. It's a fascinating don't-miss conversation!

Executive Q&A: Durst Expands Its Virtual Demo Capabilities

Published March 15, 2021

Cary Sherburne talks with Christoph Gamper, CEO of Durst, and Christian Harder, Vice President of Sales, about the current state of their business, which segments were performing better than others, and how the company was helping customers to innovate, even during this pandemic, including holding virtual demonstrations, introducing new products, and more.

Durst Shares Optimistic View of the Future

Published March 15, 2021

In this interview with Christoph Gamper, CEO of Durst, and Christian Harder, Vice President of Sales, Senior Editor Cary Sherburne discussed with them the current state of their business, which segments were performing better than others, and how the company was helping customers to innovate, even during this pandemic, including holding virtual demonstrations, introducing new products, and more. Gamper shared his view that we will come out of this stronger than ever, even though it may be later in the year before things completely turn around.

Cracks in the Crystal Ball: How the Pandemic Has Driven Change in the Printing Industry

Published March 8, 2021

There is no question that the pandemic had a deleterious—and immediate—impact on the printing industry and the economy as a whole. While both now look to be on the road to recovery, although slower than we ever could have anticipated, it’s interesting to look at how and when that might actually occur based on research largely conducted in the final quarter of 2020.

Phase 3 Marketing and Communications Leverages Organic Growth and Acquisitions to Diversify and Position itself for Growth

Published March 8, 2021

20 years ago, Ken Holsclaw and Max Nair founded Phase 3 Marketing and Communications as a digital printing company with eight employees. Today, the company has offices in five cities with 175 employees, offering marketing services from ideation to execution—including branding and public relations all the way to small and large format print, fabrication, installation and promo products. Their foresight and vision has enabled them to grow through two previous downturns, and the company is positioned well to return to pre-pandemic levels. It's a great success story in an industry that has been hard hit by the economic impact of the pandemic.

PIA Affiliates Speak Out About PRINTING United Alliance Relationship

Published March 4, 2021

Following the merger of PIA and SGIA to form PRINTING United Alliance, our understanding is the affiliates, for the most part, were supportive of the action. However, recently they were presented with a proposal from PRINTING United Alliance they felt took away one of the key values of the affiliate structure—the local presence and support their members depend on. In this WhatTheyThink exclusive story, Christine Hagopian of PINE, Tim Freeman of Printing Industries Alliance, and Lou Caron of PIA Southern California share their perspective on what this move means for the future of the affiliates.

PRINTING United Alliance CEO Discusses the Idealliance Acquisition

Published March 2, 2021

In addition to sharing his strategy for the overall PRINTING United Alliance organization, in this interview, CEO Ford Bowers talks about why the Idealliance acquisition was done and how Idealliance fits into the overall PRINTING United family, as well as some thoughts about where it will go in the future. He also addresses the organization's plans to hold the PRINTING United trade show and exhibition in Orlando in October.

GLS/NEXT Precision Marketing Rebrands As ENPOINTE

Published March 1, 2021

GLS/NEXT Precision Marketing recently announced a rebranding to ENPOINTE, a branding + marketing solutions company. The company, which has an in-house advertising agency as a result of an earlier acquisition, has had digital printing since 2003 and recently added a production inkjet press, along with its conventional printing resources, including heatset web. Founder and Chairman Gary Garner and Executive Vice President of Sales Todd Matuska, share their story in this video interview with Senior Editor Cary Sherburne.

Is the Apparel Industry in the Midst of a Systemic Change?

Published March 1, 2021

In a recent TexProcess/TechTextil webinar, panelists discussed what is happening with respect to the textiles and apparel supply chain, especially what has been accelerated by the pandemic. Has there been a sourcing shift? Is there a balance shift between Western and Asian sources? What key elements do brands and suppliers need to address to bring about needed systemic change? How many are even capable of driving systemic change? These were some of the questions and issues discussed in this very interesting session.

New Year, New Adventures: Marc Olin, Ken Garner and Michael Makin Make Their Exits…for Now

Published February 25, 2021

Cary Sherburne speaks with three printing industry veterans who have chosen to make a new beginning: Marc Olin, former COO at EFI; Michael Makin, former CEO of PIA and EVP at PRINTING United Alliance; and Ken Garner, former SVP for Content Creation at the Association for Print Technologies. As they start the new year with new adventures, we wanted to give them special recognition for all of their contributions and years of service to the industry.

Are Bio-Based Plastics the Answer to Increased Sustainability? The Jury Is Still Out…New Research Is Encouraging, but Consumer Behavior Also Has an Important Role to Play

Published February 22, 2021

A push toward a more sustainable textiles and apparel industry is underway, largely driven by consumer demand, and, to some extent, by brands who are working to restructure their supply chains post-pandemic. Key considerations include not only the adoption of more digital technologies, about which we have written extensively, but also the further development of fabrics created from bio-based materials, and a significant change in consumer behavior with respect to their wardrobes. Learn more about the pros and cons of bio-based materials, some of the emerging developments, and behavior changes that can reduce your personal textiles-based environmental impact.

Textiles Expert Lewis Shuler Talks About the Analog-to-Digital Transformation Underway in Textiles and Apparel

Published February 22, 2021

Lewis Shuler has worked at several well-known apparel brands and also spent 10 years working in China. He has tremendous insight to share about the current state of the industry and what it will take to accelerate both the analog-to-digital transformation and re-shoring of manufacturing. He also shares his thoughts on emerging technologies such as solid color spray dyeing.

Runway Kit: Making Manufacturing Easy for Designers and Entrepreneurs

Published February 15, 2021

Runway Kit, a subsidiary of Sri Lanka-based MAS Holdings, was established in mid-2019 with the goal of providing professional manufacturing support to designers and entrepreneurs. Either starting from basic provided designs or from the ground up with a custom design, Runway Kit works with designers to create professional quality tech packs to enable manufacturing with them or with another manufacturer, with minimum order quantities as low as 100. Nethmi Wickramasuriya, Digital Launch Entrepreneur, explains.

Trade Shop National Print Wholesale Sees Positive Future Outlook

Published February 8, 2021

A relatively new company, founded in Atlanta in 2016, National Print Wholesale, gained about 30% of its business from trade shows and exhibits prior to the pandemic. In this interview, Whit Copley explains how the company has pivoted to deliver new applications and find new customers during the pandemic and shares his positive outlook for 2021.

Virtual Events: The Pros and Cons

Published February 1, 2021

2020 and a good part of 2021 will be seen as the time of virtual events. It was either that or put everything on hold, which clearly was not an option. There was great hope that we would be back to in-person events by spring of 2021, but one by one, scheduled events such as drupa and Interpack, FESPA, TechTextil/TexProcess, and more were either cancelled, converted to virtual events, or postponed until late summer or fall. We spoke to a number of folks—organizers, sponsors and attendees—to get their views about the value of these events. We also included some virtual event questions in a broader survey.

Exclusive: Key Highcon Executives Share Updates and Vision of the Future

Published January 25, 2021

In this video interview, Shlomo Nimrodi, CEO, and Simon Lewis, VP Marketing, of Highcon, along with their newest addition, Alon Bar-Shany as Chairman, discuss the current state of Highcon following its very successful IPO, the target customer base, some of the changes driven by the pandemic, and their vision of the future in a dynamic, interactive discussion. Following this interview, Highcon and EFI announced a global partnership benefiting their common core of customers with ERP integration; Highcon also has a similar partnership with HP Indigo—and a common core of customers—where integration of print and finishing has offered many benefits.

Does Poshmark’s Overperforming Portend a Shift for the Apparel Industry?

Published January 18, 2021

Poshmark (ticker: POSH) shares entered the public market last week, with shares soaring nearly 142%, opening at $97.50 and hitting a high of $104.98, with a Thursday close at $101.50, making it up 141.7%. This kind of feels like the 90s dot-com boom. Will it lead to a bust? The Poshmark CEO thinks not.

Security Printing: A Tricky Business

Published January 18, 2021

Jim Fleet, CEO of Ashton Potter, talks about how security printing differs from other types of printing in this interview by Senior Editor Cary Sherburne. Using flexo, offset, and intaglio, plus serialization and track-and-trace technologies, Ashton Potter delivers a unique service.

COVID-19 and the Shift in Packaging Requirements

Published January 5, 2021

Mike Scrutton, Adobe's Director of Print Technologies and Strategy, shares his thoughts on changes in packaging, for both brands and converters, as a result of the increased use of ecommerce due to the pandemic, conditions he believes will continue to prevail post-pandemic.

Will the Humble Silkworm Soon Be Out of a Job?

Published January 4, 2021

If you are interested in textiles and how they are woven through human history (pun intended), The Fabric of Civilization: How Textiles Made the World is a well-written and very informative history of how fabrics have been part of human history from the beginning. In this article, we take a look at silk—not it’s history so much, but at where it might go from here.

Domanda Lets Consumers Apply Professional Designs to Almost Anything

Published January 4, 2021

Kristen Dettoni founded Design Pool as a way to make her textile designs available to other designers and developed a network of printers who can execute those designs. More recently, she founded Domanda, an online store that enables consumers to use professional designs on a wide range of home goods. She talks about why she started these businesses, what she has been able to achieve, and how the pandemic has affected the demand for these types of services, especially in home and commercial decor.

Adobe's Mike Scrutton Discusses Print Redefined

Published December 17, 2020

Ever since Gutenberg, print and its uses have continued to evolve. That's true today as well, and that evolution has likely been accelerated by the pandemic. Hear what Adobe's Mike Scrutton, Director of Print Technology and Strategy, has to say about where we are with print today, where it's going, and how printing companies can take advantage of new opportunities offered by this continuing evolution.

Mimaki's Mike Maxwell Shares Update on Mimaki Solutions for Signs/Display Graphics

Published December 17, 2020

Mimaki offers a broad portfolio of solutions for the sign and display graphics market. Mike Maxwell, Senior Manager–Corporate Strategic Development at Mimaki U.S., provides a look at the range of applications customers are producing, including how customers can incorporate 3D printing into the sign and display graphics businesses.

AATCC Update and Industry Outlook: Q&A with Executive Vice President Diana Wyman

Published December 16, 2020

Cary Sherburne talks to Diana Wyman, Executive Vice President at the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC), about the state of the association, the occasion of its 100-year anniversary, and its upcoming plans.

Marc Olin on Life After EFI

Published December 15, 2020

Marc Olin co-founded ProGraph in 1989 right out of college and has stayed with the same company through its many iterations since, through formation of PrintCafe and acquisition by EFI. Effective December 1, 2020, Olin has left EFI to explore his next chapter. Senior Editor Cary Sherburne spoke with Olin to revisit history and get a look toward the future for this industry veteran who has contributed much to the industry over the years.

Textiles in 2020: A Year Like No Other

Published December 15, 2020

The COVID crisis laid bare the weaknesses and fragility of the textiles supply chain, and brought to the fore a renewed interest in and need for digital textile production and more environmentally sustainable practices. Cary Sherburne takes a look back at the year in textiles.

Brother's Rick Frye Talks Sewing Automation

Published December 15, 2020

Sewing is often referred to as the "last mile" in the manufacture of sewn goods in terms of an overall automated workflow. Huge progress has been made in the level of automation, and an operator can be quickly trained to execute sewing of some types of items. But the fine work of sewing apparel is still out of reach. Rick Frye shares his thoughts about the current state of sewing automation, and describes Brother's new Bridge sewing technology.

Shutterfly and HP Discuss Recent Landmark Agreement for Indigo Digital Press Rollout

Published December 15, 2020

Cary Sherburne speaks with Dwayne Black, COO of Shutterfly, and Haim Levit, General Manager, HP Indigo. Shutterfly, the US-based online personalized products and photo leader, last month signed a landmark agreement with HP Indigo for more than 60 new HP Indigo digital presses, as it expands its capabilities to supply the growing demand for printing photo memories.

AATCC/PRINTING United Alliance Host Successful Digital Textile Printing Conference

Published December 14, 2020

As was the case with so many events this year, the Digital Textile Printing Conference, hosted by AATCC and the PRINTING United Alliance, was held virtually over two days. The inability to meet in person didn’t stop these organizations, their speakers, and attendees from spending quality time reviewing the latest trends and looking ahead to 2021 and beyond.

Michael Makin Looks Back and Ahead

Published December 14, 2020

In this discussion, Michael Makin talks about his experience in the SGIA/PIA merger that created PRINTING United Alliance, the benefits for PIA Affiliates, and the industry of the merger and his view of the future of the industry.

Mimaki Brings Digital Textile Printing Versatility to North America with Hybrid Fabric Printer

Published December 10, 2020

Victoria Harris, Textile Specialist at Mimaki USA, discusses the Mimaki TX300P-1800 MKII hybrid printer, which easily switches between pigment ink printing for direct to fabric and dye-sublimation inks for printing on heat-transfer paper, as well as other digital textile printing solutions from Mimaki.

EFI Reggiani BOLT Wins an InterTech Award

Published December 10, 2020

Adele Genoni, General Manager of EFI Reggiani, talks to Cary Sherburne about EFI Reggiani’s BOLT being awarded an InterTech Award—the first textile product to win an InterTech Award.

APTech and Innovatis Group Join Forces to Better Serve the Industry

Published December 9, 2020

Thayer Long, President of the Association for PRINT Technologies (APTech), and Eric Hawkinson, Senior Vice President at Innovatis Group, explain APTech's partnership with Innovatis Group to enable the association to broaden its offerings and increase its value to its members and to the industry.

Executive Q&A with EFI: Chief Revenue Officer Frank Mallozzi Shares the Latest Updates

Published December 8, 2020

Cary Sherburne talks to EFI’s Frank Mallozzi about the launch of the second-generation Nozomi digital corrugated press, its trade event plans, and winning an InterTech Award for the EFI Reggiani BOLT digital textile printer.

How Much Sewing Automation is Enough?

Published December 7, 2020

Manufacturing automation in textiles and apparel is moving ahead apace, accelerated by advances in digital technology. But the remaining “last mile,” sewing, continues to be a barrier to reshoring of apparel manufacturing on a large scale. This article explores some of the efforts underway to automate sewing and what impact that could have on the future of apparel manufacturing in North America and Europe.

Adapting to Today's Virtual World: An Interview with EFI's Frank Mallozzi

Published December 7, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended many things, not the least of which are trade shows and other in-person events. EFI's Chief Revenue Officer Frank Mallozzi talks about the company's decision to pull out of drupa 2021, its creation of a virtual event, EFI Engage, to replace EFI Connect 2021, and shares an update on the EFI BOLT including talking about its recognition with an InterTech Award. (Note: This video was recorded before drupa announced its cancellation of the 2021 event.)

OnPoint Manufacturing and Gerber Join Forces to Launch Eloise.Fashion

Published December 7, 2020

Entrepreneur and innovator Kirby Best has been working with Gerber to make on-demand fashion design and manufacturing tools more accessible to designers and brands, especially smaller organizations that have found the cost of these tools to be a barrier. The result is Eloise.Fashion, where designers can leverage tools and technology to create designs, prepare them for manufacturing, and connect with manufacturing facilities such as OnPoint Manufacturing. Kirby explains it all in this video.

Sustainability Efforts Escalate in the Textiles and Apparel Supply Chain

Published November 30, 2020

As we wrap up 2020, let’s take a few minutes to look back over what has been a difficult year and highlight a bright spot for the textiles and apparel industry: increased efforts to reinvent the textiles and apparel supply chain, which has been hard hit by the pandemic and the resulting economic disruptions. Inside that effort is an increased focus on sustainability from both establish brands and suppliers and new emerging players.

How ISAIC Is Moving the Textiles Industry Forward

Published November 30, 2020

Jennifer Guarino, CEO and Chair of the Industrial Sewing and Innovation Center (ISAIC), based in Detroit, explains the multitude of programs the organization has in place to attract and train new industry talent, manufacture sewn goods such as masks and gowns, T-shirts, sweatshirts, and more, and to implement the newest technologies.

Printing Industries Releases 2020 Wage and Benefit Report

Published November 19, 2020

Printing Industries released its annual Wage & Benefits Report and it contains a wealth of great information for print service providers, with input from more than 500 companies across North America. In this video, Teresa Campbell, President of PIA Mid America, and Steve Bonoff, President of Printing Industries of the Midwest, explain some of the trends uncovered. More information will be provided in a webinar on December 15, 2020.

John Lacagnina on the Past, Present, and Future of Digital Print

Published November 17, 2020

John Lacagnina is a digital printing pioneer whose company Entire, founded in the 1980s, was the first to connect high-speed production digital printers to networks for document printing where before they had been connected only to mainframes. He has a rich heritage of innovation between now and then, and most recently started a 3D printing company. Here what he has to say about the past, present, and future of digital print.

Graphco’s Chris Manley Paints a Positive Picture for the Printing Industry

Published November 16, 2020

The pandemic and the economic and political uncertainty have cast a pall on many aspects of our lives. But it’s not all bad news. Graphco President Chris Manley joins the chorus of voices that sees growth and opportunity in printing—some going as far as to call it the Golden Age of Printing. Here’s how Manley explains it.

Ricoh Ups Its DTG Game with the Ri-2000 Printer

Published November 16, 2020

Christian Compera, Deputy General Manager, Industrial Print Business Group, Ricoh, shares his thoughts on the digital printing opportunity in textiles, why Ricoh chose to enter the direct-to-garment (DTG) space, the family of printers it now offers, and where Ricoh may go in the future with regard to digital textile printing.

Fabscrap Founder & CEO Jessica Schreiber Talks Sustainability

Published November 12, 2020

And she's doing a lot more than just talking. Schreiber participated on a Smithers Digital Textile Printing Conference panel, sharing her thoughts on recycled fabrics, textile waste and sustainability. In this video, she explains how Fabscrap is working in a number of creative ways to minimize the amount of fabric waste that goes to landfills.

Chris Manley of Graphco Shares a Positive Industry Outlook

Published November 10, 2020

In this interview with Senior Editor Cary Sherburne, Chris Manley, President of Graphco, shares his business experiences during the pandemic, including equipment sales driven by growth in book printing and direct mail, as well as the company's unique Ready to Rebound program.

Digital Textile Printing 2020 Overview: AATCC and PRINTING United Alliance Digital Textile Printing Conference Goes Virtual

Published November 9, 2020

There is no question 2020 has been an unusual year across the board, and especially in the textiles and apparel industry. As the year comes to a close, be sure to attend the 2020 Edition of AATCC and PRINTING United Alliance’s Digital Textile Printing 2020 conference, packed full of the information you need to finalize your plans for a successful 2021 and beyond. Check out the details.

Seattle-Based RPI Finds Business Success in B2B and B2C Personalized Products

Published November 9, 2020

In this interview, CEO Rick Bellamy talks about how his company is structured, some of the recent acquisitions he has made and why, the impact of the pandemic on his business, and why he thinks we are in "the golden age of print."

Digital Technology Changing the Face of Fabric Printing

Published November 5, 2020

At the Digital Textile Printing Conference hosted by Smithers, Jena Nesbitt, Product Strategy Director for Oregon-based Pine Crest Fabrics, presented a session on how digital printing has affected the ability of small manufacturers and direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands to develop trend right textile designs quickly and inexpensively. In this video, she talks about how digital printing technologies have changed the game for her business and her brand owner customers.

Springs Creative Team Shares Latest Developments for Designers and Brands (Part 2)

Published November 3, 2020

In part 2 of this video interview, Kathryn Lawrie, Kathy Phillips and Cathy Valent share more of the latest developments at Springs Creative, including new acquisitions for its Baxter Mill archive, an increased focus on fabrics and designs for home decor, and its ability to help designers and brands find inspiration when traveling around the world to find new ideas has become difficult during the pandemic.

Lilly Pulitzer Gains Valuable Capabilities with Digital Fabric Printing

Published November 2, 2020

The story of how Lilly Pulitzer got started as a fashion designer is fascinating, and so is the story of how the company has leveraged digital printing technologies to streamline its workflow and unleash increased design creativity. Senior Editor Cary Sherburne spoke with Margaret Getty, Lilly Pulitzer Senior Associate for Woven Fabric and Trim, to learn more.

North Coast Litho Continues Digital Journey with iJetColorPro Envelope Press from Printware: Investment Decision Fueled by Need for Quality, Productivity

Published November 2, 2020

North Coast Litho devoted a great deal of time and effort in assessing digital printing options, waiting until it could find solutions that met its extremely high quality requirements and that of its customers. It found that quality level in digital presses, acquired in 2011 and 2016, but only recently was able to find the same level of quality in an envelope press, acquiring the iJetColorPro from Printware in 2020. General Manager Bob Strohmeyer explains in this article, sponsored by Printware.

Lilly Pulitzer Increases Agility, Reduces Lead Time with Digital Technologies

Published November 2, 2020

Margaret Getty, Senior Associate, Woven Fabric and Trim, for Lilly Pulitzer, shares the company's founding story and talks about how it has evolved over the years, most particularly, how digital design and print technologies have helped the company carve significant cycle time out of its go-to-market process.

A Wrinkle in the Plan: Is Cut-and-Sew a Barrier to Reshoring in the Textiles Industry?

Published October 28, 2020

Fashion and apparel brands are trying to reshore textile production, but the finishing part of the process is proving challenging: cut-and-sew. Automation has its limitations, and skilled sewists are hard to come by domestically. Cary Sherburne looks into some of the solutions to these challenges.

How the Pandemic is Affecting the Textiles Supply Chain...Or Is It?

Published October 26, 2020

Even before the pandemic, there was lots of discussion about how the textiles and apparel industry needed to re-examine its supply chain both for increased efficiencies and to reduce the industry’s environmental footprint. Has the pandemic accelerated this? Learn more.

Springs Creative Team Shares Latest Developments for Designers and Brands (Part 1)

Published October 26, 2020

In the first part of a two-part video interview, Kathryn Lawrie, Kathy Phillips and Cathy Valent share the latest developments at Springs Creative, including new acquisitions for its Baxter Mill archive, an increased focus on fabrics and designs for home decor, and its ability to help designers and brands find inspiration when traveling around the world to find new ideas has become difficult during the pandemic. (Look for part 2 of this interview next Monday, 11/02.)

Talking Textiles: The Supply Chain, Sustainability, and the Impact of Digital Technologies

Published October 21, 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has upended the fashion industry, but it has also given the industry an unprecedented opportunity to reinvent itself for the better. Texintel CEO Debbie McKeegan discusses the supply chain, sustainability, and the impact of digital technologies on textile production.

Ricoh Expands its Direct-to-Garment Offerings with New Ri 2000 Printer

Published October 19, 2020

Back in early 2016, Ricoh acquired AnaJet, a leader at the time in direct-to-garment (DTG) printing. Since that time, the company has continued to develop its DTG portfolio, recently adding a new, more productive printer to its line. We spoke with Deputy General Manager for Ricoh’s Industry Print Business, Christian Compera, to learn more.

AATCC Update: What's New and What's Coming

Published October 19, 2020

AATCC Executive Vice President Diana Wyman shares the latest AATCC updates, including initiatives that will be considered at the association's November virtual committee meetings, the availability of a PPE monograph on efficacy of various types of masks, sustainability, and more.

Why RPI’s Rick Bellamy Thinks We Are in the Golden Age of Print…and Much More

Published October 12, 2020

Seattle-based RPI recently made several acquisitions, actions that caught our eye in light of the uncertain times we find ourselves in. We reached out to CEO Rick Bellamy to get an update on RPI, the strategy behind the acquisitions, and Bellamy’s general feelings about the industry at large.

Independent Digital Printer ISS Discusses Its Conversion to an AlphaGraphics Franchise

Published October 12, 2020

Jeff and Eric Schwarz chose to convert their independent digital printing company, ISS, to an AlphaGraphics franchise in the summer of 2019. In this interview, they share their reasons for making the change and what it has meant for their business.

Softwear Automation Sewbots: The Future of Apparel Manufacturing?

Published October 5, 2020

The sewing process has often been described as the "last mile" of apparel manufacturing automation. In this interview, Palaniswamy "Raj" Rajan, Chairman & CEO, Softwear Automation, talks about how sewbots, and in particular the sewbots the company is manufacturing, have the ability to automatically manufacture T-shirts today in amazing quantities, with a few toward being able to expand this capability to other apparel types in the future. He also shares projections about when the technology will be more commercially available.

AATCC Webinar Series Sheds Light on Textile-Related Testing for PPE

Published September 28, 2020

The American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) has a robust program of educational webinars. Most recently, the organization has sponsored a series of three important sessions related to testing and standards for PPE, especially important during this COVID-19 pandemic which shows no signs of ending. Of particular interest to our readers is a Duke University research project that developed a low-cost method for testing the efficacy of facemasks.

Innovations in Textiles: Viscose Made from Recycled Cotton

Published September 28, 2020

Lux Research Analyst Anthony Schiavo reports on the work being done by Europe-based Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research and Swedish company re:newcell to create viscose filament yarns from recycled cotton, a process that can help reduce textile waste that ends up in landfills and improve the industry's sustainability. These yarns, he says, can be seamlessly inserted into existing fabric manufacturing processes in place of viscose fibers created using a less sustainable process.

Saint Louis Fashion Fund: Driving the Fashion Industry Forward

Published September 24, 2020

Susan Sherman, Co-Founder and Former Board Chair of the Saint Louis Fashion Fund, and Jon Lewis, who heads up Evolution St. Louis—a knit manufacturer— joined Senior Editor Cary Sherburne to discuss how the Saint Louis Fashion Fund is helping revitalize the fashion industry in St. Louis, once a fashion hub. The Fund also attracted Evolution and its advanced 3D knitting capabilities to the city.

Spoonflower CEO Michael Jones Shares Insights on Future of On-Demand Textiles

Published September 23, 2020

Spoonflower was a pioneer in the field of on-demand textile printing and production. As the rest of the industry races to catch up, new CEO Michael Jones is aiming to take Spoonflower to the next level. Cary Sherburne talks with Jones and senior vice president of research and development Kerry King about their vision for the future.

Are Living Clothes in Your Future? Designer Royal Aghighi Thinks They Should Be!

Published September 21, 2020

The textiles industry is a huge polluter. Although there are many sustainability initiatives at play, there is still more that can be done. Just ask multidisciplinary researcher Roya Aghighi. She’d like you to reimagine your wardrobe as living things. Find out what that means!

Long-time Marketing Expert David Murphy Shares Digital Marketing Strategies

Published September 21, 2020

David Murphy, who has run marketing for a number of industry companies including most recently HP, has founded a digital marketing agency, Nvent Marketing. In this video, he discusses the various ways smaller to mid-sized companies can leverage increased Internet usage to keep leads coming into the business during the pandemic and beyond.

Attracting New Talent: A 2020 Imperative

Published September 16, 2020

Jeff White, Director of Development for the Print & Graphics Scholarship Foundation (PGSF), provides an update on the status and activities of the organization in its efforts to educate students about the benefits of a career in print and graphics (including textiles), as well as the scholarships that are granted to those students. PGSF awarded 226 scholarships this year!

HP Indigo Ups the Ante for Quality and Productivity in Digital Print

Published September 15, 2020

In this article, sponsored by HP, Senior Editor Cary Sherburne provides an overview of the latest features of the HP Indigo 12000 and HP Indigo 15K digital presses, including innovations that take digital printing to a new level of quality and productivity. She also cites on-site experiences of two customers, L&L Printers and New London.

Long-Time Print Innovator and Serial Entrepreneur John Lacagnina Shares Thoughts on Past, Present, and Future of Print

Published September 14, 2020

I first crossed paths with John Lacagnina when he brought to market the world’s first network production printing solution through his company at the time, Entire. Over the ensuing years, he has continued to innovate and bring dynamic change to the industry. Learn more about his story, his thoughts about the industry, and what he’s up to today.

Mohawk Paper's Chris Harrold Explains the Renewal Line of Papers

Published September 14, 2020

Mohawk Paper, which has a long history of working toward sustainable manufacturing of fine papers, has introduced its Renewal line of papers. It is using hemp and straw fibers in two paper lines, with 30% hemp or straw content. Even more interesting is its 100% cotton fiber Renewal paper. Senior Vice President of Marketing & Creative explains how the line came about and its contribution to Mohawk's sustainability footprint.

Sewing Automation: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going?

Published September 10, 2020

Frank Henderson of the Henderson Sewing Company is the third generation running this family business and has been doing so for the last 40 years. He has an extensive amount of experience to share, including what's being done to accelerate reshoring of manufacturing of sewn products, how his company interacts with others in the industry to create innovative workflows, and what he sees as future developments in sewing, robotics, and workforce development.

Industry Veteran Aviv Ratzman Founds Compack, a New Web-to-Pack Portal

Published September 8, 2020

Aviv Ratzman, who spent time at HP Indigo and co-founded Highcon, starts a new venture today. Compack (Com-Pack.net) is an online solution that enables brand owners to compare and choose suppliers who provide on-demand custom packaging services for both primary and secondary packaging. Ratzman explains the strategy behind the business in this video discussion.

Bringing Fashion Back to St. Louis

Published August 31, 2020

Did you know that St. Louis, Mo., was a fashion hub from the turn of the 20th century until the end of World War II? Now there are significant efforts to reestablish the city’s fashion prominence, led by the Saint Louis Fashion Fund. We spoke with co-founder Susan Sherman, and the CEO of high-tech knitting manufacturer Evolution St. Louis, Jon Lewis, to learn how their initiatives are progressing.

Tailored Industry: Revitalizing Knitting in Brooklyn

Published August 31, 2020

Alex Tschopp founded Tailored Industry with the vision of using 3D knitting machines to produce knitted garments on demand. After a period of educating brands and retailers about they benefit of on-demand production, they are now starting to take advantage of the service. He talks about progress to date and plans for the future.