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Articles by Cary Sherburne

Cary Sherburne is a well-known author, journalist and marketing consultant whose practice is focused on marketing communications strategies for the printing and publishing industries.

Cary Sherburne is available for speaking engagements and consulting projects. To get more information contact us.

Please offer your feedback to Cary. She can be reached at [email protected].

Displaying 1-100 of 2289 articles

Slow Fashion and Landmark Textile Recycling Bill: Some Progress Underway, But We Still Need More!

Published September 16, 2024

We’ve been talking a great deal about the deleterious effects of fast fashion on our planet. Now we have a counterpoint to discuss—an effort in Congress to rein in fast fashion with the launch of the Slow Fashion Caucus. Plus, California is putting even more teeth into its recycling efforts with a proposed bill that establishes an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) program for recycling clothing and textile fibers. And France is proposing a Fast Fashion Tax and an EU ban on exporting used clothing.

Carbon Capture Dichotomy: Real Investments or Carbon Credits?

Published September 9, 2024

Two articles recently caught my attention relative to sustainability and carbon capture. Google and Microsoft are taking diametrically opposed actions. (And by the way, they are also collaborating on some initiatives!) In this article, we reiterate definitions of carbon offsets or credits and the most common ways it is implemented, as well as discuss the difference between investing in carbon capture or removal directly and through credits. Carbon capture is likely the fastest way to stem the tide of climate crisis, although it won’t happen overnight. There are some big projects underway, but many still need to reach scale and affordability. And they need to be done safely, ethically, and transparently.

DS Smith Actively Promotes Circularity in Packaging

Published September 3, 2024

In this interview with Shaun Stamford, Customer Value Manager at DS Smith, Shaun explains DS Smith's approach to circularity and Net Zero, including beginning with designing for next use and taking into consideration Scope 1, 2, and 3 metrics with a goal of attaining Net Zero by 2050.

Kornit Plans Big Splash at PRINTING United

Published August 29, 2024

Kornit, a leader in digital fabric printing and workflow solutions, will be present at PRINTING United in two booths, both in the South Hall. In this interview, Sharon Donovich, Director at Kornit Digital, explains what visitors to their stands will see and also provides a market update on digital fabric printing, why it is a good add-on for businesses looking for diversification, and much, much, more.

Revitalizing Print: A Conversation with Thayer Long

Published August 20, 2024

Thayer Long, CEO of WhatTheyThink, talks about the APTech's rebranding journey and future aspirations. WhatTheyThink's mission to serve the print community, set industry standards and attract the next generation to the industry. The power of print is emphasized, along with the need for its redefinition.

Educating the Market on the Value of Digital Embellishment

Published August 19, 2024

Cary Sherburne talks with Kevin Abergel, founder of Taktiful, as he shares his journey and insights into the digital embellishment industry. They discuss the importance of creating tools, educating the market, and the value of embellishments for printers and brands.

Slow Fashion and Landmark Textile Recycling Bill: Some Progress Underway, but We Still Need More!

Published August 5, 2024

We’ve been talking a great deal about the deleterious effects of Fast Fashion on our planet. Now we have a counterpoint to discuss—an effort in Congress to rein in fast fashion with the launch of the Slow Fashion Caucus. Plus, California is putting even more teeth into its recycling efforts with a proposed bill that establishes an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) program for recycling clothing and textile fibers. And France is proposing a Fast Fashion Tax and an EU ban on exporting used clothing.

Zazzle Builds Global Network to Connect Creators, Makers, and Consumers

Published August 1, 2024

In this video discussion, Charles Ohiaeri, Chief Fulfillment Officer at Zazzle, explains how the company has evolved into a global network with the goal of connecting creators and makers, while balancing the wishes of end users to add customization to their orders. He also touches on Zazzle's connection to Adobe as the launch partner for the Adobe Express print function.

Plastics: Promises or Progress?

Published July 29, 2024

In June, we published an article comparing how the plastics industry presents itself to the marketplace, comparing it to when the tobacco industry was trying to save itself. In this article, we look at Plastic Promises and whether the industry is truly living up to them or are they gaslighting us?

CEO of Ship & Shore Explains How RTOs Help Flexo Operations Be More Sustainable

Published July 23, 2024

Ship & Shore offers Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers (RTOs) for flexo and other printing operations that use solvents. Increasingly, government regulations require printing operations to discontinue emitting VOCs and ozone into the atmosphere. Anoosheh Oskouian, CEO and President of Ship & Shore Environmental, Inc., explains how these systems work and why they are important.

Adobe Adds Integrated Print Function to Adobe Express

Published July 22, 2024

Adobe Express has been a popular design and publication application for smaller companies, ease-of-entry users and more for some time. But it lacked an integrated print function. Users could create a PDF and then figure out how to get it produced. Now print is integrated, with Zazzle as its default print provider for a curated print service, with the option for other print providers to create Express add-ons by customer request or as a way to increase their reach. In this interview, Aubrey explains why Adobe Express was created and the value of the integrated print function.

Why Reaching Net Zero is More Urgent Than Ever Before: Defining Sustainability, What the Latest Climate Changes Mean for the Planet, and What You Can Do About It

Published July 22, 2024

Hurricane Beryl placed a spotlight on the accelerating effects of climate change on the planet, as did the rash of deadly heat waves seen around the planet. Why was understanding what caused Beryl to form as the earliest hurricane ever to reach Category 5, and the impact those conditions are having on our planet as a whole, are discussed here, along with references to the UN’s sustainable development goals that highlight actions each and every one of us can take to protect the planet.

PicoNext Adds Generative AI to Its Digital Product Passport Platform

Published July 18, 2024

PicoNext launched the first generative AI service that helps companies rapidly publish product sustainability information as Digital Product Passports, which are to be required for each product sold in the European Union and other parts of the world. In this video interview, Founder Dave Dickson explains what Digital Product Passports are and how generative AI can make creating them faster and more efficient.

Komori's Innovations in the Printing Industry

Published July 17, 2024

Cary Sherburne interviews Lance Martin, VP of Product Marketing, Komori America Corporation. Lance shares new products, the future of the printing industr,y and Komori's focus on workflow integration.

COP28 Reached Agreement on Moving Away From Fossil Fuels: Will COP29 Carry the Ball Forward?

Published July 15, 2024

Somehow reaching Net Zero by 2050 seems to be slipping even further from our grasp. In this article, we discuss the outcome of COP28, look ahead to COP29, and outline some of the barriers to even coming close to solving the climate crisis.

Innovation and Sustainability: A Conversation with Fujifilm's Hiroaki Shimosaka

Published July 12, 2024

Cary Sherburne and Hiroaki Shimosaka, Senior General Manager, Fujifilm, discuss the company's 90th anniversary, its history in the graphic arts business, and its focus on innovation, automation, sustainability and AI for drupa 2024.

JetFx's Innovative Printing Technologies

Published July 11, 2024

Cary Sherburne talks with Ed Wiegand, CEO, JetFx Inc, about their unique blend of digital and analog printing technologies, with a focus on piezo inkjet technology. JetFx collaborates with HP Indigo and other digital printers to provide finishing solutions, ensuring precise digital registration for embellishments.

Are Consumers Finally Waking Up to the Realities of Fast Fashion—And Overconsumption in General?

Published July 8, 2024

We are a nation of consumers. Overconsumers in many cases. And it’s not good for the planet or your financial health… In this article, we highlight the “No-Buy Revolution” and discuss ways you can participate.

A drupa Retrospective: an Interview with Kongsberg's President & CEO

Published June 25, 2024

Senior Editor Cary Sherburne had a conversation with Stuart Fox, Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems' President & CEO, about his company's drupa experience—how did it compare to previous drupas and what kind of results did they achieve during the show? He also highlighted some of the developments shown in the Kongsberg stand, and we extended our thanks for his partnership in creating the stunning—and sustainable—distribution points for the drupa daily!

The Role of Data in Building a More Sustainable Fashion Industry

Published June 24, 2024

We read and hear a great deal about actions that are required to reduce carbon emissions, especially in the textiles and fashion industry. But there is little talk about how to actually do this. In this article, we explain the role accurate, real-time, standard data across the industry can play in actually uncovering the “hows” of reducing the industry’s unacceptable carbon footprint.

Visual Merchandising: A Cool Career

Published June 18, 2024

Clara Eisenberger is a visual merchandiser for a well-known luxury fashion brand. She explains a bit about her background, how she got started in this field, and what her job entails. Have you ever wondered who takes care of merchandise display in a luxury fashion store? Clearly, it takes a lot of skill, and an understanding of fashion and design. Clara has it all!

Panic in Plastics?

Published June 17, 2024

Are plastics manufactures starting to panic? I only ask because it seems that CNN—and maybe others—are being inundated by pro-plastic ads, reminiscent of when Big Tobacco was trying to save itself. In this article, we look at some of the PR plastics organizations are putting out, and you can draw your own conclusions!

Sustainability Front and Center at EFI drupa Stand

Published June 13, 2024

In this article, sponsored by EFI, Cary Sherburne looks at the company’s sustainability efforts, ranging from its Reggiani ecoTERRA pigment textile printer, Nozomi’s sustainability credentials as compared to analog printing processes, new aqueous inks being used in the new EFI Nozomi 14000 AQ single-pass inkjet technology for corrugated packaging and displays, and the Nozomi 12000 MP single-pass LED inkjet technology for direct-to-metal printing using GREENGUARD Gold certified UV LED inks.

The Landa Legacy: Innovation and More Innovation, and It’s All About Sustainability

Published June 10, 2024

For years, Benny Landa has been saying that anything that can go digital, will go digital. In this interview, conducted at drupa 2024, Landa talks about the digital innovation Indigo and Landa Digital Printing brought to market, and so much more. You will be surprised at the breadth of the work The Landa Group and Landa Labs is doing to help preserve our planet.

AI In Textiles: A Different Approach

Published June 6, 2024

Cary Sherburne speaks with Dr. Seshadri Ramkumar, professor in the Department of Environmental Toxicology and The Institute of Environmental and Human Health, Texas Tech University, about a unique approach to using AI to make textiles more sustainable.

Incorporating Adobe Products into OEMs: An Interview with Mark Ridgeway

Published June 6, 2024

Mark Ridgeway discusses his role as the OEM Technical Account Manager in the EMEA region. He emphasizes the significance of integrating Adobe products into OEMs' RIP and the importance of customer feedback. He explains the necessity for support, technical assistance, and continuous product improvement. He also talks about color management, intuitive workflows, and software simplification.

Promoting Sustainability in the Printing Industry

Published June 6, 2024

Cary Sherburne and Jonathan Graham, Executive Director, Sustainable Green Printing Partnership (SGP), talk about SGP's mission to foster sustainability in the printing industry. They discuss the creation of a sustainability management system and certification program for printers, touching on topics like FSC certified paper, supply chain sustainability and reducing carbon footprint.

Graphco's Innovations and Philosophy: An Interview with Chris Manley at drupa 2024

Published June 6, 2024

Cary Sherburne interviews Chris Manley, President, Graphco, at drupa 2024. They talk about Graphco's focus at drupa, including RMGT, Foliant Laminating Equipment, SD Italy and Standard Horizon booths. He also introduces SD Italy's hybrid CNC routing and cutting machines and explains Graphco's 'Unfair Advantage' philosophy.

Fujifilm's Innovations and Future Plans at drupa 2024

Published June 6, 2024

Cary Sherburne talks with Sachiko Suzuki, General Manager, and Kiyoshi Sakata, Senior Group Manager, Fujifilm at drupa 2024.

Unveiling BW Converting's New Hybrid Digital Press at drupa 2024

Published June 6, 2024

Cary Sherburne and Windell McGill, Digital Launch Manager, BW Converting PCMC, talk about the introduction of the ION: a new hybrid digital press for flexible packaging. They explore the features, modularity, color options and its positive reception at drupa.

Automation in Production Lines with Müller Martini

Published June 6, 2024

Fabian Becker, Product Manager, Müeller Martini, talks about Müller's role in automating software in production lines. The company aims to tackle labor shortages through automation and has recently partnered with Hunkeler. They are also looking into implementing AI into their systems and integrating service into their workflow.

A New Era in Book Publishing with the Hunkeler Starbook Sheetfolder

Published June 6, 2024

Ronnie Schärer, Head of Product Management, Hunkeler and Ronald Reddmann, Product Manager, Müller Martini talk about the world premiere of the Hunkeler Starbook sheet folder at Müeller Martini booth at drupa. They talk about its benefits, the positive feedback received and the new opportunities it presents. The discussion emphasizes the market needs of flexibility, automation and simplified processes that drive innovation. They also reason on future possibilities for softcover and hardcover book blocks, global perspectives on book publishing, efficiency and sustainability, and the importance of quality and waste reduction.

The Success and Sustainability of Landa Digital Printing

Published June 5, 2024

Cary Sherburne welcomes Benny Landa, founder and Gil Oron, CEO, Landa Digital. Benny Landa shares the company's journey, its technology and commitment to customer satisfaction. He highlights the importance of sustainability, discussing their solar energy and nano pigment initiatives. Benny also compares digital and traditional offset printing, emphasizing the former's benefits like reduced waste and carbon footprint. The future of Landa Printing is also discussed, with plans for expansion and a cloud-based network.

Emily Schultz on What's Next in Commercial Print, Direct Mail and Packaging

Published June 5, 2024

Emily Schultz, Vice President of Sales and Client Services, John Roberts, a Minneapolis-based printing company, discusses their focus on commercial print, direct mail and packaging. She explores equipment options for efficiency and customer service, emphasizing their expertise in digital printing, data analytics and personalized direct mail. Key topics include sustainability, automation and AI, with a focus on data analysis, reducing human intervention and AI for content creation.

Packaging Automation from Ranpak Delivers Improved Results for Packing Operations

Published June 5, 2024

The packaging industry is poised for a transformative shift in the coming decade, with governments and brands actively pushing for change through legislation and innovative packaging solutions. To gain an understanding of how brands and retailers and the packing companies that support them can make this transition, Cary Sherburne spoke with Bryan Boatner, Global Managing Director for Automation at Ranpak.

Asahi Photoproducts' Sustainable Solutions

Published June 5, 2024

Cary Sherburne interviews Dieter Niederstadt from Asahi Photoproducts about their robust sustainability program. They discuss Asahi's journey towards carbon neutrality and efforts to minimize their environmental impact. The talk emphasizes the shift in customer concerns towards CO2 emissions and sustainability. Ashi's plan to transition customers to sustainable solutions and their partnership with ESKO and Kongsberg in developing a streamlined plate production process are also discussed.

The Future of Digital Printing with Canon

Published June 5, 2024

Cary Sherburne talks with Hans Schmidbauer about the potential of digital print, the integration of technologies, and the future of digital printing. The tactile experience of books is highlighted, and viewers are encouraged to explore Canon's offerings at the drupa exhibition.

Müller Martini: Company History, Acquisitions, and drupa Presence

Published June 5, 2024

Cary Sherburne talks with Bruno Müller, CEO of Müller Martini, about the company's journey, its emphasis on print media, and its recent acquisition of Hunkeler. This acquisition is a strategic move to leverage the strengths of both companies. He talks about the upcoming Hunkeler Innovationdays, highlighting the need to preserve the Hunkeler brand. The company's participation at drupa is also discussed, including their booth details and systems on display.

Ultimate Tech Software Solutions for the Print Industry

Published June 5, 2024

Julie Watson, CEO, Ultimate Tech stops by the drupa daily studio to dig into the company's software solutions that simplify finishing for the print industry. She also discusses the significance of automation, efficient workflow organization, starting on a small scale, and planning with the end in mind.

Fujifilm's Inkjet Innovations: An Interview with CEO Steve Billow

Published June 5, 2024

Cary Sherburne interviews Steve Billow, CEO, Fujifilm Dimatix , about their industrial inkjet print heads, including the new SKYFIRE 600 and how important innovation is with inkjet print heads. They confabulate Fujifilm's partnerships with printer OEMs and future innovation plans.

Adobe's Support for Print and Future Opportunities in Machine Learning

Published June 5, 2024

Cary Sherburne, talks with Mark Lewiecki, Senior Product Manager, Adobe about Adobe's support for print, the Adobe PDF print engine, and its use in textiles. He discusses Adobe's history and the vision of its founders. They also touch on future opportunities in machine learning and AI, and sustainability and automation.

Keeping the Show Floor Informed: An Interview with Felix Kastell from Schaffrath

Published June 4, 2024

Felix Kastell, Order Manager, Schaffrath, talks about their collaboration on the drupa daily publication, explore the printing process and discuss Schaffrath's company profile. Felix's role and current trends in the printing industry are also highlighted. Schaffrath is based in Geldern, Germany.

Inspiring the Future of Production Print with Canon

Published June 4, 2024

Jennifer Kolloczek, EMEA Planning, Marketing & Innovation Senior Director Canon, talks about the highlights of drupa. She discusses 'The Core' concept, the role of inspiration and technology in imaging, and the significance of personalization and brand relevance. She explores print's impact on publishing, retail and consumer behavior, emphasizing the importance of data-driven personalization and education for brands.

IMPACK's Role in Advancing Folder Gluers and Automation

Published June 4, 2024

Cary Sherburne talks with Mathieu Tremblay, Deputy General Manager, IMPACK, about the company's contributions to enhancing folder gluers. They delve into the increasing need for automation due to labor shortages and speculate on the future of fully automatic processes. IMPACK is based in Hall 11 at drupa.

Ricoh's Next Innovations: An Interview with Eef de Ridder

Published June 4, 2024

Cary Sherburne talks to Eef de Ridder, Vice President Graphic Communications Group EMEA, Ricoh Europe about his experience at drupa. They delve into Ricoh's new toner and inkjet solutions, the shift from offset to digital and the groundbreaking Pro Z75 sheetfed inkjet solution. They also discuss the successful collaboration with Heidelberg in the digital workflow transition.

A Journey from Print to AI-Driven Automation with Dalim Software

Published June 4, 2024

Carol Werle, CEO, and Tim D'Elia, Product Strategy Director, Dalim Software visit the drupa daily studio. They discuss the company's history and evolution into print and workflow automation, development, and future direction, which includes automation, AI, and empowering non-experts. They also discuss their onboarding process and the collaboration between AI and humans, emphasizing the cautious use of AI and the continued need for human involvement.

Konica Minolta's Innovations at drupa and Future Developments with Olaf Lorenz

Published June 4, 2024

Olaf Lorenz, General Manager, Brand Experience Division, Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe, provides an overview of the company, its presence at drupa, and key highlights like the industry 5.0 concept and the AccurioJet 60000 inkjet product. He emphasizes on automation and efficiency to address labor shortages and reduce human errors. Lorenz also shares insights on future developments, including the integration of AI and expansion into the packaging market with design software solutions.

Through Fresh Eyes: Cal Poly Graphic Communications Students on Their First drupa Visit

Published June 4, 2024

Cary Sherburne talks with Katie Pomerleau, Senior, and Zach Ramirez, Freshman, students in Cal Poly's Graphic Communications program. They share their reasons for choosing the program, their experiences and their insights from working in a production environment. They also discuss attending the drupa trade fair, understanding the global perspective of the industry and exploring various career options.

drupa 2024: New Technologies and Sustainability Initiatives

Published June 4, 2024

Cary Sherburne talks with Pat McGrew, Managing Director, McGrew Group as they dive into drupa 2024, tracing its history and the evolution of the industry. They spotlight the event's emphasis on new technologies, sustainability and recycling. They also touch on advancements in flexography, UN global sustainability initiatives and the need to vocalize sustainability efforts.

Innovative Packaging Solutions by Antopack

Published June 4, 2024

Cary Sherburne talks with George Antoniou, CEO, Antopack, a leader in the packaging industry. George unveils their revolutionary production process that enables the creation of corrugated products in under five minutes. This method minimizes the need for multiple machines, conserves space and requires fewer operators. Antopack's Optimum solution promises quicker market delivery, cost efficiency and environmental advantages.

frontline.io: The SaaS Platform Revolutionizing Training and Support for Hardware Organizations

Published June 3, 2024

Itzhak Pichadze, CEO, frontline.io, a SaaS platform that revolutionizes training and support for hardware organizations, stops by the drupa daily studio. The frontline.io platform uses digital twins from CAD files for virtual training and support. It offers remote support sessions, tracking, and valuable insights. The collaboration with HP has enhanced the platform based on industry feedback. frontline.io addresses labor challenges and provides scalability and ease of use across various divisions. It has improved the pipeline, reduced procedure time, and boosted collaboration.

Innovating Sustainable Printing Technology: On-Demand Metalization

Published June 3, 2024

Paolo Grasso, Sales Director, and Harald Jasper, Managing Director, ACTEGA discuss a new sustainable printing technology developed by ACTEGA. They've moved from using silver foil in the label industry to a more sustainable alternative: on-demand metalization. The technology aims to reduce waste and is designed to be recyclable.

Exploring Canon's LS 2000 Label Printer: An Interview with Edoardo Cotichini

Published June 3, 2024

Edoardo Cotichini, European Senior Manager, Marketing, Label & Packaging, Canon EMEA, talks about the LS 2000 label printer. He highlights the printer's key features, its benefits for the label and packaging industry, and the challenges it addresses. He also touches on color reproduction, food safety standards compliance, sustainability, and Canon's future plans to collaborate with label converters and associations.

ProPrintPerformance: Enhancing Sales and Marketing in the Printing Industry

Published June 3, 2024

Etienne de Wette, Customer Experience Officer, ProPrintPerformance (KPI), talks about the company which specializes in developing sales and marketing personnel in the printing industry. The company, acquired by Keypoint Intelligence, offers a competitive portal for product comparison and training services. Headquartered in Sweden, they have a presence in Europe and the US.

Adobe's Print Technology: An Interview with Mike Scrutton

Published June 3, 2024

Mike Scrutton, Director Print Technology & Strategy, Adobe, discusses his role as the evolution of PDF in the printing industry, the benefits of direct to film printing and challenges in garment printing. They also touch on Adobe's new building in San Jose and the company's efforts to preserve its print heritage for a new generation.

Bryan Boatner discusses how Ranpak improves packaging sustainability

Published June 3, 2024

In packaging, especially for ecommerce companies, there is an increased focus on sustainability, reducing packaging void (shipping air)and other waste, and improving the unboxing experience. This is driven partly by regulatory actions about packaging waste, but is also important to brands/retailers and to the packing operations that serve them. Bryan Boatner talks about how Ranpak can help companies meet those sustainability goals while eliminating plastic void fill and creating a more challenging and pleasant work experience in packing warehouses.

Art & Negative Graphics: A Journey in Printing Innovation

Published May 31, 2024

Jim Myers, Executive Vice President, and Jason Wilburn, COO delve into the evolution of Art & Negative Graphics. They explore the company's transition to printing, its equipment automation, and its diverse customer base. They also share their experiences at drupa.

Navigating the Printing Industry with Ricoh: Agility, Change, and Opportunities

Published May 31, 2024

Gavin Jordan-Smith, Senior Vice President and General Manager, and Mark Little, Senior Director, Global Product Marketing, Ricoh dig into the dynamics of the printing industry, underscoring the necessity for agility and adaptation. They discuss Ricoh's evolution, customer engagement, emerging opportunities, and products on display at drupa. They also touch on the significance of partnerships, workflow automation, and the need to attract young talent.

Bridging the Gap: A Conversation with the Polish Chamber of Printing

Published May 31, 2024

Jacek Kusmierczyk, President, Polish Chamber of Printing talks about the Chamber's history, its emphasis on vocational training, and its initiatives to promote women in the printing industry. A key goal is to bridge the gap between Ukraine and China in the printing sector. He also discusses the Chamber's philanthropic efforts and support for Ukrainian printers affected by war.

Digitalization and Connectivity at BOBST: A Discussion with Leonard Badet

Published May 31, 2024

Leonard Badet, Chief Technology Officer, BOBST Mex SA talks about the digitalization and connectivity initiatives at BOBST. He shares insights the industry's digitalization progress, the role of AI and data-driven solutions, and collaborations with giants like Microsoft. He also touches on the importance of BOBST Connect software for small printers and the partnership with PAC for digitization.

Exploring the Future of Digital Print: Gelato's Partnership with Landa

Published May 31, 2024

Henrik Muller-Hansen, Founder & CEO, Gelato, introduces the future of the digital print industry, focusing on Gelato's partnership with Landa and drupa 2024's theme. The influence of Gen Z and Millennials on the demand for personalized, local, and sustainable products is explored. The conversation emphasizes the importance of competition and collaboration within the industry, consumer-driven change, and sustainability through local production and waste reduction.

Innovation and Growth: A Conversation with eProductivity Software

Published May 30, 2024

Cary Sherburne talks with Gaby Matsliach, CEO of eProductivity Software at drupa. Gaby shares insights about the company's journey to independence, their strategic partnerships, and technology investments.

Exploring Fujifilm's Digital Printing Innovations with Keita Yamamuro

Published May 30, 2024

Cary Sherburne sits down with Keita Yamamuro, Senior Group Manager for Digital Printing, Fujifilm, at drupa. They talk about Fujifilm's digital and wide-format printing businesses, new ink technology and packaging opportunities.

Exploring Heidelberg's Digital Printing Strategies: An Interview with Dr. Frank Schaum

Published May 30, 2024

Cary Sherburne talks to Dr. Frank Schaum from Heidelberg about their partnership with Canon and their strategies to enhance digital printing. They discuss customer challenges, the significance of data competencies and future plans. Key actions include developing software for high job volumes, zero-touch automation, AI integration, and enhancing color management and scheduling software.

Exploring Wide Format Printing Technologies with Canon's Matthew Faulkner

Published May 30, 2024

Matthew Faulkner, Canon's marketing director for EMEA, talks about his role in the production print business and wide format printing technologies. Canon's drupa booth is an immersive 'core' experience, that highlights new printers, Prisma Elevate software, and the emotional power of print.

RR Donnelley's Print Impact Report Q1 2024 Explained

Published May 30, 2024

RR Donnelley's Margo Yohner, Senior Vice President of Sales and Growth, details findings from the company's Q1 2024 Print Impact Report, including how marketers are integrating print with digital in the marketing campaigns and how they are using artificial intelligence.

Global Perspectives: Hamilton Costa is Representing Brazil at drupa

Published May 29, 2024

Hamilton Costa discusses the printing industry in Brazil and the current recovery of the industry in the country. His advice? Be willing to change your mind and think differently.

Kongsberg's Stuart Fox at drupa

Published May 29, 2024

Stuart Fox, President and CEO of Kongsberg sits down with Cary Sherburne at drupa.

Kodak CMO Denisse Goldbarg at drupa

Published May 29, 2024

Denisse Goldbarg, CMO, Kodak meets up with Cary Sherburne to share what Kodak is calling the “And” Era of Print, with both offset and digital offerings in their booth at drupa.

Charlotte Tueckmantel at drupa

Published May 29, 2024

Charlotte Tueckmantel, COO of eProductivity Software discusses the company's new independence and the solutions they bring to market.

Deirdre Ryder of VITS International at drupa

Published May 29, 2024

Deirdre Ryder, President and CEO of VITS International discusses the company's diverse components and how they can be pieced together into a finishing solution to best suit a customer's workflow.

Debbie McKeegan of Texintel at drupa

Published May 29, 2024

Debbie McKeegan CEO of Texintel joins Cary Sherburne to discuss how Texintel nurtures and supports the next generation of designers within the digital textile industry.

Miraclon's Chris Payne at drupa

Published May 29, 2024

Chris Payne, CEO, Miraclon and Cary Sherburne discusses the resiliency of the packaging market and Miraclon's focus on modern flexography.

EFI's Ken Hanulec at drupa

Published May 29, 2024

Ken Hanulec, Vice President of Marketing at EFI discusses their focus at drupa. This year at drupa, they announced their strategic partnership with Packsize.

Cary Sherburne is Mic'd up and Ready to Roll

Published May 28, 2024

Cary Sherburne welcomes you to WhatTheyThink’s best ever studio and flaunts her digitally printed fashion, backdrop and more, all designed by EFI. We’re live in Hall 7!

Knud Wasserman Shares his Global Print Perspective

Published May 28, 2024

Knud Wasserman, Editor-in-Chief of Graphische Revue stops by the drupa daily studio to discuss what the print industry looks like in Austria, and what he sees for the future of print in the area.

Mimaki's Dedication to Automation

Published May 28, 2024

Arjen Evertse, General Sales Manager for Mimaki, previews the focus of the Mimaki booth at drupa: automation to help companies reduce waste.

HP VP & General Manager HP Indigo & Scitex Noam Zilbershtain Envisions the Future for Digital Label Printing

Published May 28, 2024

HP VP & General Manager HP Indigo & Scitex, Noam Zilbershtain, talks with Cary Sherburne about the wonder of your first (or fifth) drupa experience. HP is featuring “innovation everywhere, in every segment” this year in Hall 17. Zilbershtain predicts that in the next 20 years, the labels segment will be the first segment to go fully digital.

Linda Brütting talks with Cary Sherburne

Published May 28, 2024

Linda Brütting, Head of Expert Subsidiaries, Leonhard Kurz, talks with Cary Sherburne about what drupa attendees can expect to see at the Kurz booth in Hall 3, Booth E71.

Exploring the World of Packaging with EFI

Published May 28, 2024

Evandro Matteucci, General Manager of Packaging, EFI, stops by the drupa daily studio to discuss topics such as the digitally printed studio backdrops, Cary's digitally printed wardrobe and single pass printing. He talks about the Nozomi technology and partnership as well as metal packaging. He also explores the concept of right-sized packaging, the advantages of digital printing, and EFI's presence at drupa.

EFI Takes Nozomi to an Entirely New Level with the X5 Nozomi in Partnership with Packsize

Published May 28, 2024

WhatTheyThink's Cary Sherburne gets a demo of the new X5 Nozomi platform that is capable of building and printing custom sized boxes inline. Ahead of drupa, EFI invited select media to Spain for a media week filled with presentations and demos. The new X5 Nozomi was part of that at their facility just outside of Valencia, Spain.

Road to drupa: EFI Shares Insight into its Life Cycle Assessment Tool for Nozomi

Published May 20, 2024

As regulatory agencies increasingly are requiring brands and retailers to measure their environmental impact across their entire supply chain, they need data from their suppliers to comply. EFI partnered with an expert in this area to develop a Life Cycle Assessment tool that can be used internally by Nozomi customers in the packaging and display graphics businesses. Kerry Sanders of EFI explains how and why the tool was developed, and what they learned about the sustainability of EFI's single-pass Nozomi direct-to-corrugated printer.

Are U.S. Consumers Taking Sustainability Seriously?

Published May 20, 2024

Last month we wrote about the fact that among a wide range of organizations, progress toward sustainability goals has been lackluster, to say the least. In this article, we drill down on responsibility and accountability of individuals—looking at you!—in helping sustain our planet for our children, grandchildren, and beyond.

Greenstalling: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

Published May 13, 2024

As climate conditions continue to deteriorate and brands, retailers, government, companies and other organizations continue to message about how they will help to get to Net Zero, there are lots of “green” words being used, some of which are pejorative. For example, greenwashing, greenwishing, greenhushing, and now a new one: greenstalling. In this article we discuss those terms and why brands should avoid being associated with them.

How Serious Are We, Really, About Saving the Planet?

Published April 29, 2024

Over the past couple of years, companies, governments, non-profits and individuals have made a lot of noise about achieving certain sustainability goals by 2030 (only six years away now) and Net Zero by 2050. How well are we doing? It’s a little shocking and scary!

How Sustainable Are Your Fashion Choices?

Published April 11, 2024

It’s no secret that the fashion industry has multiple sustainability challenges. Fashion brands are aware of their unsustainable practices, and some are making substantial changes. But dramatic change will not be driven by the collective conscience of the fashion industry, but by consumers. Cary Sherburne explains how consumers can make more sustainable fashion choices.

Logica Looks to Introduce a Print-Specific MES Solution to North America

Published April 11, 2024

Logica has been offering its Print-specific Manufacturing Execution System (MES) in Europe for almost a decade and is now bringing the solution to North America. Business Development Manager David Triulzi explains what MES is and how it works on one side with MIS/ERP systems and on the other with the various resources in a print manufacturing operation to provide in-depth data and analytics on operational effectiveness.

Environmental Regulatory Actions Heating Up

Published April 8, 2024

As concerns about the accelerating climate crisis grow around the globe, some governments are enacting regulations that are designed to improve sustainability. Most notably, the European Union is putting in place rules on packaging and packaging waste, including design and waste management. Cary Sherburne explains what it means for print and packaging.

JetFX Brings New Capabilities to the Embellishment Market

Published April 2, 2024

In this video, Ed Weigand and Mike Ferrari talk to Cary Sherburne about the overall market for embellishments in labels and packaging, how the JetFX solution differs, its market positioning, and also a preview of a new product that will be launched at drupa.

Gelato Introduces GelatoConnect, Optimizing Production Efficiency for Local Production

Published March 26, 2024

Gelato, a global platform for local on-demand production, is announcing the next level of integration for its platform, which has producers located in 32 countries around the globe, offering a seamless connection between creatives and producers, all the way through shipping and logistics. CEO Henrik Muller-Hansen explains how Gelato Connect works and the value proposition for all stakeholders.

Progress Toward Scaling Textile-to-Textile Recycling

Published March 25, 2024

There is no argument that the textiles and fashion industries are key contributors to global warming and pollution of our planet. In this article, we explain why textile-to-textile recycling can help build a more circular fashion industry, including the challenges and opportunities involved in getting it to scale.

Textiles Expert Debbie McKeegan Discusses Personalize/Make/Wear Event at FESPA

Published March 14, 2024

In several previous iterations of FESPA, Debbie McKeegan coordinated a Print/Make/Wear event to demonstrate the value of digital textile printing. This year, the event has been renamed Personalize/Make/Wear and will consist of two Smart Factory workflows: direct to garment and direct to fabric. She discusses how the event will work and the partners she is working with.

Can the Senate’s Americas Act Help Make Fashion More Sustainable?

Published March 11, 2024

A bipartisan bill introduced in the U.S. Senate is designed to “establish a regional trade, investment, and people-to-people partnership of countries in the Western Hemisphere to stimulate growth and integration through viable long-term private sector development,” according to an article published in The Sourcing Journal. Perhaps its unique incentive-based approach, rather than the penalty-oriented regulatory compliance approach more often used in these types of legislation, will encourage brands and retailers to jump on board faster. This article outlines key elements of the bill, including both challenges and opportunities in terms of getting it signed into law and implemented.

Filip Buyse Explains the Value Proposition of Seeking Professional Help in M&A

Published March 5, 2024

After working outside the industry for some time, Filip Buyse is back as Managing Director of Venture 10, an M&A company focused on the printing and packaging industries. In this interview, he talks about how his company helps both buyers and sellers reach agreement that enables them to close the deal. He also talks about what companies should be doing to prepare to sell.

GoodToGo Introduces AI-Driven Order Pilot to Speed Order Entry for Print Jobs

Published February 26, 2024

Michael Reiher, president of Good2Go Software, founded Good2Go in 2019 with a vision to fill a significant gap in the printing software market: workflow solutions for smaller companies. GoodToGo has now added AI-Supported Order Pilot to its SaaS application, automating order entry and preflight tasks among others, making Customer Service Reps and prepress departments more efficient, especially for orders submitted by email, and minimizing the risk of orders getting lost in a deluge of incoming emails.

Inflecton LLC and Rick Bellamy: Helping Companies Future-Proof Their Businesses

Published February 19, 2024

Rick Bellamy, formerly of RPI in Seattle, has established a new consulting business. Inflecton LLC is focused on helping companies in the printing and packaging industries manage three key challenges: how to drive their businesses toward increased sustainability and prepare for compliance with the many regulatory changes that will affect their businesses, how best to weave artificial intelligence into their operations, and how to better engage the workforce.

University of Toronto Research Offers Promising Solution for Microplastic Shedding

Published February 12, 2024

There has been much discussion about the damage caused by microplastic shedding during washing of synthetic fabrics. Much of the focus has been on trying to trap these microfibers prior to their entering our waterways. But now promising research out of the University of Toronto offers a potential alternative to prevent, or at least mitigate, shedding in the first place.

University of Toronto's DREAM Lab Offers Promising Solution for Microplastic Shedding

Published February 12, 2024

In this interview with Professor Kevin Golovin, he explains the origin and results to date of landmark research on a coating that prevents more than 90% of microplastic shedding in the laundering process and its future potential as an oil repellant.

Glitter is Not Green: Why Petroleum-Based Glitter Should Be Banned Worldwide

Published February 8, 2024

Cary Sherburne looks at the environmental hazards of glitter, the movements afoot to ban it, and sustainable alternatives that offer all the fun of glitter without the environmental downsides. 

Potential Artificial Intelligence Use Cases for the Printing and Packaging Industry

Published February 8, 2024

It’s likely that in implementations by suppliers to the industry is where artificial intelligence (AI) will first show up in your business. Cary Sherburne spoke with a couple of industry executives from companies that are suppliers to the industry to understand what, if anything, they are doing or thinking about with respect to AI.