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New Elastic Templates And Workflow Enhancements For AdBuilderPro

Press release from the issuing company

Memphis, TN - February 12, 2003 - Graphic Resource Center, a world leader and pioneer in Internet image delivery solutions for advertisers, manufacturers and retailers, announces major enhancements to AdBuilderPro, an ASP model - asset management and ad makeup system. These enhancements are currently shipping. Undergoing constant refinement, Dynamic Modules is the latest in a series of new capabilities to AdBuilderPro. This is a major workflow/ productivity enhancement and provides a direct and cost effective solution for companies involved in co-operative advertising with local and regional dealers. Preparation of browser-based templates is easy and straightforward. AdBuilderPro developers make use of application source files from a company's corporate headquarters or advertising office, (Quark XPress, Adobe InDesign, etc.) when available. These source files guide AdBuilderPro to precisely position each ad element. A dynamic coordinate and scaling system, called Dynamic Modules, is generated from source files to create an elastic template that can be used over and over. Using Dynamic Modules, local stores of national franchises are able to customize graphic and copy elements in order to tailor and prepare demographically accurate advertising materials that meet PDF/X1-a compliance. This approach cuts down on programming overhead considerably, resulting in a very short development cycle. According to Ed Lupo, AdBuilderPro CEO, "Several new features enable dynamic and instantaneous coupon-based newspaper ad creation. These powerful new capabilities allow manufacturing, distribution and franchising companies who sell through independent retailers, the ability to customize local advertising and coupon specials. All of this is done over standard Internet connections using browser-based AdBuilderPro." AdBuilderPro's Image Uploader feature allows a user to upload images and logos directly from a local computer or office network. Image Uploader automatically notifies the AdBuilderPro team that new images have arrived for approval. Image Uploader generates a low-resolution image for screen display, soft proofing or rearrangement of copy, graphic elements or positioning changes. After approval, Image Uploader passes the new assets to the AdBuilderPro database for cataloging, tracking and subsequent usage. Since newspapers across the country vary in column width and gutter space between columns, AdBuilderPro's Dynamic Ad Sizing feature allows changes to be made to the width of the ad templates. When it's necessary to make a width change, Dynamic Ad Sizing resizes each asset used in the ad and reassembles the ad to the new dimensions, precisely maintaining space relationships of each element. When the ad design is finished, a PDF of the completed ad can be immediately rendered in the end user's web browser or proofed on an inexpensive ink jet printer. Once approved, the final PDF document, or an access link to the completed composition, can be e-mailed to the media outlet - simplifying and streamlining the entire ad creation, workflow and delivery process. AdBuilderPro's ease of use ensures that no outside assistance or purchase of expensive layout software is required for the production process. In addition to the simplicity and overall functionality of ad construction via an Internet browser, AdBuilderPro control modules guarantee adherence to corporate graphic, layout and copy standards - assuring that co-operative ads always meet national acceptance guidelines. Graphic Resource Center, headquartered in Memphis, TN, has been providing Heliogramme Line Conversions, imaging, custom programming and asset management solutions to major advertisers in the United States and Europe since 1965. Heliogramme, ImageVault and AdBuilderPro are registered trademarks. Information about Graphic Resource Center's complete range of products and services can be accessed on the World Wide Web at http://www.garts.com or http://www.adbuilderpro.com.