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Digital, Converting, and Commercial Print Converge at Graphics of the Americas

Press release from the issuing company

Miami, Florida, 1/15/03 – Digital, Converting and Commercial Printing, once considered separate markets, are converging and no where is this more evident than at Graphics of the Americas 2003 (GOA 2003). Creo, HP Indigo, AGFA, Heidelberg, Kodak Polychrome Graphics, Presstek and Screen will be among the more than 500 exhibitors featuring equipment designed to help printers compete in both the traditional and digital market. “As technology advances, staying informed means staying competitive,” said Chris Price, Vice President and General Manager of GOA 2003, “A show like ours allows the traditional printer to see the emerging technologies and determine how they can help him expand his niche by providing add-on services not previously possible. Printers looking to diversify will find everything they need, all under one roof.” Graphics of the Americas is produced annually by the Printing Association of Florida, Inc., an industry trade association. Complete information, including on-line show and seminar registration, hotel reservations, airline and rental car information, and itinerary planning, is available at www.graphicsoftheamericas.com. For information on exhibiting or becoming a show sponsor, call 1-800-749-4855 x 12. From outside the United States and Canada, please dial 305-558-4855 x 12