Don CarliDon Carli, who makes a regular appearance on these pages, will be in Copenhagen to cover the last week of the COP15 Climate Summit reporting on how the decisions being made there are likely to impact the forestry, papermaking, printing, publishing and IT sectors that the graphic arts depend on. We'll keep up with him as he covers one of the most significant issues to be addressed in at the conference: protecting and restoring global forest ecosystems. Check out his comments on in this recent post: Copenhagen on My Mind: Reducing Deforestation And 'Digital Media Tree-Wash.' Key topics include:
  • Pixels Don’t Grow on Trees - “Tree-Wash” claims about how digital media saves trees or how pixels are greener than pages.
  • Are You Seeing REDD yet? Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD).
  • Do You See the Forest or the Trees? Remote sensing of forest biomass and geo-locative tagging of trees.
  • Truth in Augmented Reality Truthfulness and accuracy of advertising claims about saving or planting trees.
Don is EVP SustainCommWorld and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Sustainable Communication.