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Further Details on Speakers at November PDF Conference

Press release from the issuing company

PHOENIX, AZ—September 25, 2003—The eighth PDF Conference for PDF users and enthusiasts worldwide is just around the corner. PDF Conference is set for sunny Anaheim, Calif. from Nov. 10-12, 2003 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.  Among those speaking are some of the world’s top experts in many facets of PDF application; from advertising and government to the enterprise deployment of interactive PDF forms. Adobe’s Dov Isaacs, a repeat session leader and speaker, says of PDF Conference: “It is not a bunch of talking suits.  It’s very hands-on and applied.  The conference is low-key on sales and high on technology and usable concepts.” Sandee Cohen, co-author of The Adobe 5 Master Class and graphic arts teacher of applications including Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign, says, “I like the PDF Conference in particular because it is the highest class event that always has the most sophisticated speakers, topics, and issues.” The Conference runs for three days and there are 40 different sessions to choose from. Users have the opportunity to move from session to session to hear the speakers and topics that are most appealing to them. Adobe Acrobat 6 The buzz about the conference in Anaheim surrounds the new Adobe Acrobat 6, which was unveiled right around the time of this summer’s PDF Conference in Bethesda, MD.   Isaacs comments, “Around the time of the last conference in Bethesda, Adobe Acrobat 6 was just released, so when we get to California there will be a half of a year’s worth of user experience. Consequently, there will be a lot more interest and buzz in terms of how to take advantage of the product, what’s in it for users, and how users and their companies can use it effectively.” An Excellent Venue PDF Sages’ Leonard Rosenthal says, “The conference is an excellent venue for PDF users because your head is down and you’re focused on one topic, PDF in this case.  It is so nice to be listening to session leaders who are happily speaking to you about their experiences.” PDF Conference is being held in southern California, with Disneyland, beaches, and shopping nearby. At the conference, breakfast and lunch is included for attendees.   Dr. Greg Milman, Office of Innovation and Special Programs Director for the NIH, has been speaking at PDF Conference since June of 2000. He says, “I attend because I like to meet new people and meet the small group of people that I get to know who use Acrobat for the same applications (ed: digital rights management program) that I do.”   Milman says that PDF is being used more and more for DRM-related issues.  “At the NIH,” Milman says, “grant applications were on paper. At 65,000 applications coming in a year, a lot of paper was being used.”   Milman contributed significantly to the design of a PDF form file the NIH could use to receive grant applications electronically.  This drastically cut down the use of paper and made management of the documents more convenient. Milman says he feels the audience at PDF Conference benefits greatly from the hour long “panel” structure of the sessions, because they are fast moving and encourage specificity. Why Users Should Attend New to PDF Conference is the creative professional/print track, where users can learn how to get consistent, high-quality results with Acrobat. The creative professional/print track debuted at the Bethesda Conference in June and has gone down in PDF Conference books as one of the best attended tracks in its history. Says Cohen, “People should attend this conference because PDF, as a file format, and Acrobat, as an application, have become more sophisticated than ever.  Any company that uses these files is most likely missing out on 70% of their features because nobody can learn everything about the program. Attendees here have the chance to get the most out of what they have already purchased.”