
Smart Papers Adds New Digital Papers In Flagship Kromekote And Pegasus Lines

Press release from the issuing company

HAMILTON, Ohio, May 7, 2007 -- SMART Papers said it has expanded its offering of printing papers engineered specifically for digital presses and production-rated color copiers, including expansions of its flagship glossy Kromekote and premium uncoated Pegasus lines. The company’s SMART Digital line now includes Kromekote papers with a wider range of basis weights including a new 14-pt. laser sheet, a new Pegasus double-thick cover and new Kromekote roll products for HP Indigo presses. The Pegasus Digital Color Copy line has been expanded to include new high-brightness and a super-smooth finish for premium digital color printing. It is offered in a wide range of weights and sizes and is guaranteed for digital presses and color copiers. SMART Papers, North America’s largest privately held manufacturer and marketer of premium coated and uncoated papers, offers the biggest selection of papers for digital presses from HP Indigo, Xerox and Kodak, as well as all production-rated color copiers and DI presses. "The new Kromekote and Pegasus products are examples of how print shop owners and managers can use our digital papers to grow their business," said SMART Papers President and Chief Operating Officer Dan Maheu. "They deliver extraordinary print quality and are optimized for the equipment printers have on their floor. They are the kinds of papers that print customers want today." SMART Digital papers are under the company’s core brands, including Kromekote, Knightkote Matte, Carnival, Pegasus, Synergy, Genesis and other 24-lb. text and cover grades. SMART Papers also offers Forest Stewardship Council-certified, 100% post-consumer waste papers. The company’s cast coated and matte coated gradelines increase the value of a wide range of projects, from high-end brochures to direct mail pieces. Its cast coated Kromekote and matte coated Knightkote sheets are made to run on commercial digital presses as well as color laser printers and copiers. Both lines are available in a variety of weights, thickness and textures and are engineered to run flawlessly to produce projects with maximum visual impact. Inkjet products are also available. "For more than 70 years, the ultra-gloss Kromekote has been synonymous with the best printing surface available in offset printing. Now, with Kromekote optimized for digital equipment, printers are finding the same great results," said Michelle Garrett, Sales Manager of Digital and Retail Papers. "Kromekote’s mirror-smooth surface, along with toner-optimized coating, gives the same great look and depth that printers associate with this brand." The Kromekote and Knightkote Matte gradelines for HP Indigo presses feature a non-sapphire treated line, IN-fusion, which also runs on offset, laser or direct imaging (DI) presses. The company also offers sapphire-treated sheets for HP Indigo. Knightkote Matte, with 30% post-consumer waste and 50% total recycled content, maintains the highest PCW content for a digital coated sheet in the industry. Knightkote Matte performs flawlessly on laser equipment, including the iGen3 or NexPress, and Knightkote Matte IN-fusion offers superior performance on HP Indigo presses. SMART’s premium uncoated text, cover and writing gradelines also are available for use on digital presses, laser and inkjet printers and color copiers in a wide range of colors, sizes and finishes. The Pegasus Digital Color Copy line was recently modernized and streamlined. It features a specially enhanced imaging surface for sharp image output. It is also available for HP Indigo presses. The well-known Carnival writing, text and cover gradeline is available for use on HP Indigos with or without sapphire treatment, as well as for use on laser, inkjet presses and color copiers. The company also manufactures uncoated digital papers in its Synergy and Genesis lines and has environmentally friendly sheets (including 100% post-consumer waste, FSC-certified papers) in both.