Hainburg, Germany (June 18, 2003) -- CGS Publishing Technologies International today released the latest version (4.4) of its well-regarded workflow automation system, ORIS Works. The hotfolder-based system now provides full support for industry-standard PDF/X-1a and PDF/X-3 files, as well as ICC color management, job tickets and other improvements. The software can be downloaded by registered users from the CGS web site (www.cgs.de).
ORIS Works, which runs under Windows 2000 Server, is frequently used by prepress firms and publishers, to prepare files for print. It is also used by commercial and publication printers, as a cost-effective front end for CTP output. Its modular design lets customers use only the components needed to automate their specific prepress tasks.
PDF/X, ICC and more
Version 4.4 offers a number of ease-of-use improvements, aimed at reducing costs for publishers and printers. PDF/X-1a and PDF/X-3 files can be imported into the system, and checked for compliance with the ISO standard. ORIS Works, which can already import most major file formats, can now convert and output jobs to PDF/X, preserving the correct output intent and other critical document attributes. In order to achieve maximum compatibility and acceptance, Works’ PDF conversion utilizes an Adobe Acrobat Distiller background process.
The upgrade also adds ICC color management, adjusting the color output of the final pages according to the embedded profile or -- if required -- substituting a different output intent. Color management controls are also available for all output formats supported by ORIS Works. Other changes include full spot color support in composite PostScript and PDF, enhanced web-based reporting, and load balancing to multiple output devices.
Digital job tickets and JDF
Another important benefit of ORIS Works 4.4 is an optional database-driven job ticket system originally developed for CGS’ newspaper production system, ORIS News. Based on MySQL, ORIS Job Manager allows managers to specify multiple job parameters, including page count, color placement, imposition, and more, and to track the progress of each job component. The option is the first step towards incorporation of the Job Definition Format (JDF) specification within the ORIS product line, according to company president Andreas Kaemmerer.