Minneapolis, MN (June 12, 2003) -- At the first annual Color Proofing Roundup, held during the recent three-day IPA Technical Seminar, ORIS Color Tuner performed extremely well, handling three challenging PDF/X files known as the Altona suite. CGS’ proofing system was able to process difficult technical file elements, as well as many demanding visual elements. Color Tuner did especially well with extremely low Delta-E variations in both SWOP (TR001) and GRACoL (draft TR004) color spaces.
In measurement tests, ORIS Color Tuner output showed consistently low Delta-E variance between output and target values. It also met or exceeded the desired test results for subjective visual elements, such as skin tones. In resolution (e.g. small type) and device-independent rendering tests, Color Tuner returned excellent results.
Of special note were the tests for common but often troublesome file conditions, including spot color duotones, overprinting for spot and process colors, and RGB conversion. In all these conditions in the Altona visual file, ORIS was a complete success. Color Tuner also
handled the difficult technical file correctly.
Specific vendor results are not available for publication, but IPA will be providing detailed analysis of the Roundup in a white paper later this year.However, to aid its current and prospective ORIS customers, CGS will publish an application data sheet, detailing the Color Tuner settings required to handle the Altona test files. The files themselves can be downloaded from the web sites of the IPA (The Association of Graphic Solutions Providers), and the European Color Initiative (ECI).