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e-LYNXX/ABC Advisors Chairman Comments on GPO/OMB Agreement

Press release from the issuing company

June 10, 2003 -- (WhatTheyThink.com) -- Upon hearing the news of the OMB/GPO agreement, WTT contributing columnist Gail Nickel-Kailing contacted e-LYNXX’s Chairman Bill Gindlesperger to get his perspective on the subject. Gindlesperger is well-known in the printing procurement space and its impact on buyers. He has worked directly with GPO and the federal printing program in part via ABC Advisors - a division of e-LYNXX which offers government bid solicitation services to printers. Below are his comments: “For at least the past decade, the future of private sector printing companies as government print suppliers, and indeed, the future of GPO itself, has been unclear. There has been regular and significant friction between the executive branch and GPO, a legislative branch entity. “When Bruce James became Public Printer, one of his major objectives was to work with GPO executive agency customers and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to develop a service model that made sense for agency print customers, printers, GPO, and the taxpayers. The extraordinary effort of Bruce James, combined with the work and determination of OMB Director Mitch Daniels and his staff, led to what is clearly an important change in the 130-year-old government printing system. “And here is the big news! Government volume going to printers should get a major boost from the GPO/OMB agreement provision that requires executive agencies to “substantially limit the circumstances where agencies may rely on in-house or other executive branch printing operations.” Reducing these in-plant operations that take work from the private sector has been a long-time issue for PIA. “Ben Cooper, Executive Vice President of PIA, deserves recognition and the gratitude of the printing industry for getting this ball moved across the finish line. The private sector also owes Bruce James a large debt of appreciation for accomplishing what was once thought to be impossible. “Over the coming years, overall Federal printing is expected to drop. Everyone knows why. Electronic forms, the just-in-time process, Internet communication, the continuing development of desk top publishing, and more are all taking their toll on traditional printing. Yet, while overall Federal printing volume will continue to drop, I expect the Federal printing volume being procured from the private sector through GPO or through new GPO direct deal arrangements with GPO agency customers to increase significantly. “At present GPO currently only handles a little more than half of the identified Federal printing volume. No one really knows just how much printing work is fugitive or is handled in the agency shops. Getting hold of this printing volume offers major growth potential for the private sector to satisfy government printing needs. “Again, this is due in no small part to the courage and vision of Public Printer Bruce James and OMB Director Mitch Daniels. “We are already receiving positive feedback from our many printer customers that do work for the federal government through GPO. Like the agencies, they support change allowing GPO customer agencies to be more involved in the procurement process. “Printers also understand why GPO and OMB agreed to allow use of non-price factors when making an award... since it offers the customer more control. Our industry has long believed that while price is very important, quality, service, on-time delivery and experience are factors that cannot be ignored when choosing a printer. Under these new rules, agencies will have the ability to place an order (through a GPO contract) with a printer that they feel provides the “best value” for taxpayers dollar—or, they can choose to award to the lowest priced responsible bidder. This change enables what might be considered competition on a level playing field among quality and service peers. “Obviously, OMB support for these changes coupled with agency involvement in purchase decisions should work to motivate agency customers to send more printing through GPO contracts—which are awarded to private sector printers. Halleluiah! “There is no question that this change will not only be tremendously beneficial for agency customers and the GPO, but also for the private sector printing industry.”