NEENAH, Wis.--July 13, 2005-- Outlook Group Corp. today announced that it has signed a two-year contract with a major national consumer products company to produce, package and carton a new consumer product. The contract is valued at an estimated $20 million over the two-year period, depending upon the success of the new product in the consumer marketplace. Additional information on the new product cannot be disclosed for competitive reasons. "We chose Outlook Group because of the value added through their complete supply chain management solution," said a representative of the consumer products company. "Outlook Group worked hard to identify the exact technical processes required and the optimal way to amortize the equipment needed for the development and production of our product." "Our existing core competency in printing technology will be the basis for the manufacture of this new consumer product. Our strong balance sheet enabled us to make the up-front investment in the specialized equipment needed to develop the new product," said Joseph J. Baksha, president and chief executive officer of Outlook Group. "This contract is a significant opportunity for Outlook Group because it incorporates the manufacture of a consumer product into the supply chain management services we already offer. It validates the effectiveness of our supply chain management strategy and further extends the value we can bring to our clients," said Baksha.