Phil Baldwin (Mark Andy) and Joakim Marcusson (Convertec) with Ole Avdem Ruud and Lars Ørbeck of Reflex Etikett with the company’s two Performance Series P3 flexo presses
Reflex Etikett A/S, the Norwegian arm of the Reflex Group, has grown rapidly since its creation back in 2021 and has set its sights on a turnover of NOK 90m (€8m) in 2024. Located on a 15 hectare rural site near Stange, some 100km north of capital city Oslo, Reflex Etikett was created from the label division of a former Norwegian converter, and today has 15 staff working in its new and fast-growing 1800m² production and admin facility.
Lars Ørbeck, who heads-up the company, explained how it all began: “Most start-ups do not have the benefit of a successful Group behind them – we were lucky in that we had a source of existing technology, the financial muscle of Reflex, and a local group of skilled and highly motivated people.” The technology at the Stange plant has all been sourced from elsewhere in the Reflex Group and includes two Mark Andy Performance Series P3 presses from Reflex’s facility in Grimsby, UK. The 13” (330mm) P3s are an eight-colour and a four-colour and are being used primarily for labels in the food sector, where run lengths vary from 1000 to 40,000 linear metres.
In 2023, Reflex also acquired BarCom, another Norwegian manufacturer with 15 years of experience in marking, data capture, and tracking technology, including continuous inkjet, DOD, label applicators, laser markers, RFID, as well as barcode vision systems and readers. Added to Reflex Etikett’s rapidly growing label production capacity, it’s easy to understand Lars Ørbeck’s optimism for the future.
Speaking for Convertec, Mark Andy’s agent in Scandinavia, Joakim Marcusson commented:
“We are excited about the prospects for the new company here in Norway as the Reflex Group has a long-established working relationship with Mark Andy’s technology and people. As demand grows for filmic work and a more diverse range of products, Mark Andy has the ideal portfolio of machines and in-depth knowledge to assist Reflex Etikett make good use of its recently acquired ISO and BRC Accreditation status.”