Cary Sherburne:  Hi, I’m Cary Sherburne, Senior Editor at, and I’m here with Dave Erlandson, who is General Manager of Caslan and PODI, welcome. 

Dave Erlandson:  Hi.  Thanks. 

Cary Sherburne:  Boy, I can’t believe how fast we got to January, time flies, but you guys are gearing up at the end of the month now for the PODI App Forum, Applications Forum in Las Vegas at the end of January, January 31st.  And wow, people are running out of time to register, they should probably get out there and do that pretty quick.  Maybe you can give us some highlights of what they can expect when they go to Las Vegas. 

Dave Erlandson:  Yeah.  Yeah, just a few weeks left to sign up.  The conference is really for those companies that want to take advantage of the new opportunities enabled by digital printing, so we have sessions around strategy, around sales, around applications, and around the technology required to execute on those strategies.  And the key thing about the conference is it’s put on by practitioners.  It’s not theorists it’s the people who are out there doing it day in and day out and telling what’s been working and sometimes more importantly, what’s not been working. 

Cary Sherburne:  And so then you also have your best practices, they do their awards there and everything? 

Dave Erlandson: Yes.  All through the summer and through the fall, we take submissions from our members and anybody in our industry about really exciting new applications in digital print and we have different categories that we have awards in, and you’re one of the judges, thank you for that.  And we have the award winners at the conference and then we have the awards announced at the conference, and we bring the award winners in to present their case studies.  And so you get to see the latest and greatest applications of digital print. 

Cary Sherburne:  You know, and one of the great things about a conference of this nature is the opportunity to network with other people and to really, you know, sit down over a glass of wine or a glass of iced tea, whatever your preference is, and really you know, get into whatever kinds of discussions are helpful and partnerships can be formed, I mean, there are just so many cool things with the networking part of that. 

Dave Erlandson:  Yeah, last year we had a gentleman come over from the Netherlands and he had a new model of doing custom magazines.  And he was looking for partners in the U.S. to be production partners.  And so several of the members who attended hooked up with them and over the course of time now, they are producing materials.  So yeah, you can in a short time meet up with some people then and do some real business as well. 

Cary Sherburne:  That’s great.  Well we’ll look forward to it.  It’s always nice to go to Vegas and maybe have a little luck at the tables. 

Dave Erlandson: Yeah.  So yeah, come out to sunny Las Vegas, it’s a great time of year to get out of the snow and cold in the north and join us for a good conference. 

Cary Sherburne:  At the Mirage. 

Dave Erlandson: AT the Mirage. 

Cary Sherburne:  All right. 

Dave Erlandson:  Okay.