Brian Smith, Senior Manager in the Financial Industry.  An interesting project that we worked on just recently was a one-to-one project where we allowed the brand of the financial company I work for to kind of shine within the brand space, but at the same time allowing the loan officer in our financial industry kind of shine in terms of a portrait of themselves, their contact information, their bio, everything that is important about the individual; making them a superstar of a campaign. 

Does it take a lot of extra effort to get all that data for each individual gathered and properly prepared in order to get to the printer?  Absolutely.  But at the end of the day, not only do you have a campaign that’s brand supported by the company, but also one that’s one-to-one in terms of the touch point to that individual and their customers or even their real estate agents. 

So taking the time to gather information about images, bio, other information it lends itself to kind of an extension that is a little bit more personable than your typical campaign that just goes out on behalf of the company.